children, education, ELA, First Grade, homeschooling, homework, Kindergarten, kindergarten reading, kindergarten words, Literacy, parenting, parents, preschool, reading, report cards, school, school tests, teachers, Writing, young students


Post 222

I’ve had a few questions about spelling lately. How important is it? When should students be spelling words correctly? How to help them spell? All of these are legitimate concerns.

Currently, at least in my district, children in Kindergarten are encouraged to write and their spelling is phonetic. That means they “write what they hear” so “cat and dog” might look something like “ct n dg”. Or “I like you” could be written “i lk u”. The idea is to get students writing freely and bring in correct spelling later. And it works. Most children are confident writers by the time they start First Grade no matter what reading level the are on. The mantra is “writers become writers by writing”. And it’s very hard to write if you are constantly told to correct spelling and go back and fix it. Talk about taking the fun out of it! lol.

But, at some point, children need to learn the correct way to spell. That’s why most districts use a phonics program, too. Students are told to “stretch out the words” and listen for the sounds, especially vowels.

But as your little one gets along in school the dreaded spelling list and weekly spelling tests still appear. (Can you remember how boring they were? They still are!) And once students get computer savvy, the question arises, “Why can’t I just use SpellCheck?” And, of course, they can! But they still need to be able to spell to get along in the world.😀

Usually learning how to study for a spelling test comes along with maturity. But if your child eventually needs some help, try to make a game out of it. Use those spelling rules (ex. I before e except after c), find small words inside of bigger ones, remind them that all words have to have vowels and look for them. Another way I have found particularly successful is to say the word the way it’s spelled when learning it. For example Wed-Nes-day , of-Ten, sep-a-rāte. And don’t be afraid of drill with flash cards or online games. (I personally like but there are a lot out there.) Of course, when your child gets to homophones (words that sound the same but are spelled differently such as lone/loan, their/there, etc.) memorization is key. In that case, I would probably make up pairs of cards and try to explain the differences in an easy to remember way. (lOne has the “o” by itself… aLONE, tHERE is a, etc.)

So, is spelling necessary? Ultimately, yes. And with maturity and sometimes a little help, your child will get there.

Take Care. 🙂

***If you have any ways you recommend to help reluctant spellers, please put them in the comments.😀

children, education, ELA, First Grade, homeschooling, homework, Kindergarten, Literacy, Math, mathematics, parenting, parents, preschool, school, Spring Fever, young students


Post 221

We are nearing the end of the school year and students (and teachers) are feeling a bit of Spring Fever. It’s so tempting to throw routines out the window. I’m sure you feel that way at home, too.

I would suggest we all hang in there for a little bit longer. Our goal (families and educators) is for our children to finish strong. And a surprising amount of learning and growth goes on these last few months (or month, depending on which part of the country you live in). It would be a shame to lose that.

In school, I try to keep to our established time schedule. We still have our regular reading groups, Math lessons, Circle Time. etc. I would encourage you to do the same at home. Keep up those homework and bedtime habits you’ve worked so hard to establish. Some days, I know that will be impossible, just do your best. Maybe change it up a bit to help prevent boredom. For example, let your little one do their homework outside if they always sit at the kitchen table to do it. I do the same thing in the classroom. For instance, one of our Math/Science/Art lessons involves making ladybugs folded like paper airplanes. We estimate how far each one will fly, measure the distance and then make adjustments to get a longer flight. And most of that can be done outside on the playground on a nice day. 😀

Your child may be resisitant to keeping to their regular schedule but it really does help them feel secure. If you remember back to the beginning of this year, that was one of the main goals. When children are comfortable, they will learn. And, again, isn’t that what school is all about?

Take Care. 🙂


Reading Is Fun?

Post 220

Last week I posted about Math in Kindergarten. Second only to reading, right? Learning to read is what the primary grades are all about. But what about reading for fun? Isn’t the whole idea of reading supposed to include learning to love to read? It makes school so much easier and adds so much enjoyment to life in general that developing a love of books is a goal a lot of us have for our children.

Of course, the first way to do that is to read aloud to your child. I can’t stress that enough. Whatever level your little one is reading at there is nothing like sharing a few minutes each day reading to them. You are demonstrating that reading is important enough to take time out to do it. (Plus it’s fun to share.😀)

There are so many options for your little student to pick up to read that they will enjoy. Traditional picture books are great and the first go-to. But don’t discount comics and graphic novels. For a long time they were frowned upon as if they didn’t really “count” when it came to reading. Pictures enhance reading enjoyment so why not?(There is actually a current push to add more pictures to young adult/adult novels.) And don’t discount reading for information. Lots of students would prefer reading about a favorite animal or how to build a Lego set. All of that is great and shows your little one that reading is fun. Which is what it should be!

Most likely your child will be attracted to a combination of all of the above formats of reading, and probably a few more that I haven’t thought of. It’s all good. The whole idea is to get them reading so they become a reader for life. And that’s what you are doing.😀

Take Care. 🙂



Post 219

Math is second only to Reading in the primary grades. There are definite concepts taught with a formal program and book but it is also woven into all areas of the curriculum. It has evolved over the years from sorting, counting and writing the numbers 1 – 20 to so much more. Students in Kindergarten count from 1 – 100 by 1’s, 5’s and 10’s. They learn to make a basic bar graph, estimate, identify 2D and 3D shapes, and how to continue a complex pattern. They can add and do basic subtraction, identify coins and know the ordinal numbers 1st – 10th.

This is not a complete list but it gives you an idea of the Math program in Kindergarten. So why not reinforce some of those concepts at home? Patterning can easily become a game using cereal shapes, stuffies, coins or whatever. Start a pattern and have your child continue it. Addition and subtraction can be reinforced using toy cars or any other toy your child is into. Legos can be sorted by color, shape, having a curvy side, etc. They are also great to count by 5’s or 10’s. (That can help speed up cleanup!) Send your child on a scavenger hunt to find shapes such as squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders and spheres. Draw the shapes on sticky notes and let them put the notes on everything from cereal boxes to balls, party hats, etc. When your little one lines up cars, action figures, stuffies, etc., ask them which one is first, last, 6th, in front of the blue one, in back of the yellow one, etc.

These are just a few suggestions. You’ll think of a lot more. The point is that Math can easily be incorporated into everyday activities. And most young children really enjoy it. Plus you are helping them to learn real world applications of lessons learned in school. And isn’t that the whole point of education?

Take Care. 🙂

children, education, First Grade, Kindergarten, parenting, parents, placement, preschool, school, school testing, teachers, testing, young students


Post 218

Around this time of year most schools are thinking about placement of children in classes for next year. In my district that involves each classroom teacher making a list of which next grade class they think their current students should be put into. (Keep in mind that students must be placed evenly over the grade level to ensure equal class sizes.) All of our First Grade teachers are excellent and they work together to plan curriculum so I personally try to place students by personality and learning style fitting in with the teacher more than anything else. Then I attempt to put children who are friendly with each other in the same group.

But that’s only the beginning. After teachers compile their lists, we meet together with an administrator as a grade level. We each put our students in a group under each First Grade teacher’s name. Then the fun begins! Lol. Classes for next year need to be balanced in a number of ways. Each group should have an equal balance of top, middle and lower level learners. We try to keep the boy/girl ration as equal as possible. We also make sure that each student has friends from this year’s class in next year’s class with them. And of course students who have discipline problems cannot all be put in the same class but are spread out over the grade level.

That’s how it’s done in my school. Each has their own procedure. But I think the goals are the same. I know we are all trying to give our students the best learning experience possible. And that starts with being comfortable in their respective classes. So if you truly feel there is a teacher your child would do better with next year, I would encourage you to chat with their present teacher about it. I would also advise you to listen if they think there is a different teacher your little one would do well with. This year’s teacher knows your child very well by now and will try to place them where they think they will be most comfortable and excel. Another word of caution…please don’t make a request based on rumors or popularity but actual observation or experience with a teacher. I have seen teachers being misjudged both ways…as being “good” or “bad” based only on gossip. If you are truly concerned, rely on your child’s teacher to guide them.

All that being said, some schools do not accept any sort of request for placement. That’s fair and you should abide by it. But even then, you can always discuss with your child’s teacher the type of educator you feel your child would do well with. Then leave the ultimate decision to them. Trust that we are all trying to do our best for our students and that we won’t let them (or you) down!

Take Care. 🙂


Teacher Messages

Post 217

I just read a post on my local school community page that I feel I need to address. The parent was complaining that they had received a phone call about their child from a teacher about what the parent felt was a minimal transgression. In this particular case the child was “a disturbance because he used the bathroom during my class.”

(First of all, this was obviously a middle to secondary school student. Children in the primary/elementary grades, especially Kindergarten, either have a bathroom in the classroom or very close by. Teachers always let them use it when needed.) What got to me was that there were 29 other posts from parents complaining that they had been contacted over seemingly trivial disturbances their children had made in school, on line, in the lunchroom, etc. Not one person felt that maybe the teacher/aide had a good reason for messaging them.

I think the authors of these messages should realize that the majority of educators tend to downplay any communication to school families. We try to say things in a polite way that doesn’t dramatize the situation. Reading between the lines, my guess is that the above student probably made a habit of skipping that class by repeatedly using the bathroom pass. They probably interrupted lesson after lesson by asking for it in a loud way. I would also guess that the teacher had checked that the student didn’t have any medical issues and had spoken to them about interrupting their class before contacting the parent. My point is that most teachers will try to deal with a disturbance themselves. Contacting a student’s family is a last resort.

Of course, all of us educators aren’t perfect. 🤪 There can be some who are having a bad day or are just plain cranky. In any case, I would always speak to your child about any communication from their teachers. I would also urge you to contact the teacher to find out exactly what is going on. Then use your own good judgement in guiding your child on how to handle the situation.

Again, this was probably an older student. But, as I’ve said before, please contact your child’s teacher if you have any concerns. We need to work together for our children.

Take Care 🙂

children, children's feelings, education, First Grade, Kindergarten, parent teacher conferences, parenting, parents, placement, preschool, school, SEL, teachers, young students

Should My Child Repeat A Grade?

Post 216

We all worry about the decisions we make that concern our children. Teachers do, too. All of us try to do our best. Personally I think the most you can hope for is that the majority of your decisions end up on the positive side of things. No one is perfect.

So, it’s now March. What should you do if you feel that maybe your little student is behind either academically or socially? Should you be thinking about having them held back or what? That’s a rough one that’s sure to keep you up at night!

First and foremost I would schedule a meeting with your child’s teacher…in person if possible. They are with your little one more than anyone else during the day and really know them. I would advise you to do it NOW and not wait until the end of the year. School districts tend to not hold students back. Letting the teacher know your concerns early will enable both of you to come up with a plan to help your child. Whether the problem is social or academic, it’s better to get going on a solution rather than letting it fester and get worse. (And it may not even be a problem. You won’t know until you meet with the teacher.) If there is a recommendation for further testing, I would find out exactly what the end goal is there. It’s probably to better understand what your child needs and exactly how to help them. As I’ve said before, no teacher is ever put out by families who are truly concerned about their child. Our goal is to help every student succeed. To do that, we need to work together. You are your child’s best advocate and their teacher is your best ally. Don’t be afraid to speak up.

That being said, what do you do if you have a meeting or are notified that the school wants to keep your little one back next year. It’s rare but it does happen. Over the course of many years of teaching I have recommended retention maybe twice. The first child was held back and many years later his dad (also a teacher) thanked me for it. The parents of the second child chose to send him along and within 3 weeks of the new school year starting, he was put back into Kindergarten. The big worry here is that the student will feel awkward in the same grade when all their former classmates are in a new one. Children are very resilient and make new friends within a couple of days. Honestly, if you and the school decide it is the best thing for your little one, do it. It is so much better than having them struggle for the rest of their school career.

In the end, trust yourself. If you are sensing that something isn’t quite right with your little one, set up that meeting. I promise you’ll sleep better!

Take Care. 🙂

children, children's fears, children's feelings, children's moods, education, empathetic children, First Grade, friends, friendship, homeschooling, independence in Kindergarten, Kindergarten, parenting, parents, preschool, school, SEL, teachers, unkind words, young students

Overheard At School…

Post 215

We are at the time of year when most children are pretty comfortable in school. From a positive point of view…that’s great! Children have formed friendships with kids in their class and with students in other classes. This is the perfect time to have playdates after school so that these friends can really get to know each other. And truly, some of these friendships can last well into adulthood.

On the negative side, children are comfortable enough with each other and the teacher to become tattletales. I don’t mean letting their teacher know if something important has happened but the annoying habit of telling the teacher everything that someone else has done. As educators, we try very hard to help students distinguish between what is necessary to “report” and what isn’t.

So what do you do when your child comes home saying something they heard at school? When is it time to talk to the teacher about it? Good question! First of all, trust yourself. You know your child best. If they tell you every little thing, you probably can sense if it is vital or not. Most importantly, if there is any way someone can be harmed physically, make the teacher aware of it. If it is emotional, that’s harder. In my opinion, if something is really causing your little one a lot of anxiety, I would schedule a chat with their teacher. Together, you will probably be able to come up with a solution and strategies to help your child cope. And chances are, if they are upset, other children in the class are, too. As their teacher, I would want to know so that I could take steps to clear up the situation. If left unattended, these things tend to fester and become bigger problems.

Don’t ever feel you are “a pain” or a nuisance in this sort of situation. No teaher is ever put out by a parent/caretaker who is truly worried about their child. We are here to help. That’s what school should be…a partnership between families and educators to do the best for our children. 😀

Take Care. 🙂



Post 214

Is your little student afraid to speak up in school? Or are they loud at home but don’t say a word in the classroom? That’s understandable. It’s hard for adults to talk to a group of their peers and it’s equally hard for children. I think we often tend to minimize children’s worries because we can see the solution. But to them they are just as huge as any grownup problems are to us. So, what can teachers and parents/caretakers do to help our children along?

In school, I try to encourage reluctant speakers in lots of ways. One is by using our class bear/puppet Muffin. Muffin often has a social or academic problem that we try to help him solve as a group. I would ask a shy child for their ideas to help Muffin. Muffin would then respond in a cute or “bearishly” funny way. That seems to put a hesitant child more at ease. Another thing I do is to talk quietly with a student about their thoughts and then let the rest of the class know what they came up with and how “smart” they were. We would then build on that during our next discussion.

But what can you do at home to influence your little one to speak up in class? One thought is to encourage your child when they have made a good observation. Tell them why it is good and praise them for it. That’s all to build up confidence. (A word to the wise here…really mean what you say. Choose something your child has done or said that you truly like. Children can see right through us and sense when adults are insincere.) Encourage your little one to give you their opinion about things and to share it in school. Praise them when they take a chance to do so. You might also mention to your little student’s teacher that they are reticent to speak up. Educators welcome any insights on a student and together you can brainstorm ways to draw your reluctant little one into classroom discussions.

Remember, you are always your child’s best advocate and cheerleader. By letting them know how proud you are of their efforts you are encouraging them to speak up and overcome their shyness.

Take Care. 🙂

children, children's feelings, education, ELA, empathetic children, First Grade, giving, holidays, independence in Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Kindergarten activities, Literacy, parenting, parents, preschool, school, SEL, sending cards, social emotional learning, teachers, Valentine's Day, Writing, young students

Valentine’s Day Cards

Post 213

Valentine’s Day is a big deal in Kindergarten! In my class, lessons and read alouds for the week center around it. And in most schools, there is some sort of party planned that includes giving and receiving Valentine cards.

Those cards are so much fun. 😀 The children love them. We usually make a “book” from construction paper to paste them in so that my students have a lasting memory of their first Valentine’s Day in school. (And so that the cards aren’t all over the place and make it home in backpacks. Lol.)

That brings me to an important point. If your child is giving out cards (and most do), please include one for each student in the class. It is so sad to see one child with a pile of cards and another with only one or two. 🙁 Teachers usually send home a list of first names for every child in their class. If not, you can ask your little one’s teacher for it. And please make sure to write names on the envelopes. In my experience, that is better than sending in 23 blank cards to be given out. Children get mixed up as to whom they have given them to and it can become chaotic if there are no names. Of course, follow whatever your child’s teacher specifies.

Another thought…we discussed writing a while back and this is the perfect time for your little student to practice theirs! Let them write their name on the card and if they are able, encourage your child to copy their classmates’ names onto the envelopes. This might be done more easily in a couple of sessions especially if there are a lot of students in the class. And it helps to show your little one that what they are learning in school has real world application…also called “authentic learning”. 🙂

So, enjoy this time with your child. Holidays, even the simple ones, are so much fun at this age. And it does go by quickly! Happy Valentine’s Day!

Take Care 🙂

children, education, ELA, First Grade, Kindergarten, Literacy, Math, mathematics, parenting, parents, preschool, Progress Reports, report cards, school, teachers, young students

Report Cards

Post 212

Depending on your district, report cards should be coming out sometime in the next month or so. In mine, they are available in the next two weeks. If there is still a printed version, it will come home in your child’s folder in their backpack. If it is only online, your little one’s teacher or the district website will give instructions on how to access it. If you aren’t sure how to do that, ask by contacting the school, district office or teacher.

First of all, please read your student’s report card! I know that seems obvious but I have actually had parents who never looked at it. (One told me, “I figured you’d tell me if anything was wrong”.) Teachers put a lot of time and worry into each child’s report card. It’s a snapshot of where they are at this time in the school year. If there are any problems…academic or social, now is the time to address them. You don’t want to wait until they become bigger.

Most Primary report cards are divided onto two areas…social skills and academic skills. The social area covers things such as your child’s ability to listen in class, follow directions, and get along with others to name a few. Don’t take this area lightly. It’s an important picture of how your little one has adjusted to the school setting and how they interact with their teacher and classmates.

The academic area of a report card is just that. It is a record of how your child is progressing in the subjects taught and whether your little student is where they should be at this time of the year. In the Primary grades the main emphasis is on reading, writing and mathematics.

Hopefully your little one is “on grade level” or above in all areas. If so, relax and keep on doing what you are doing at home to encourage and support them. 😀 But if there is a problem, either academically or socially contact your child’s teacher now. Don’t wait to see if it improves on its own. I find a number of parents are afraid they will “bother” the teacher if they ask to discuss weaknesses. Nothing could be further from the truth! As teachers, our focus is to help each student in any way we can. We welcome parents who are concerned about their child and we will gladly work with you to help them. We are with your child for the better part of their day and, by now, know them very well. Your child’s teacher will best be able to recommend strategies for improvement or direct you to someone who can.

So, check when those report cards are coming out. Let your little one know you are interested in how they are doing in school. Also let them know you support them every step of the way. This is one more way you are building a strong foundation for them to do well for the rest of their school years.

Take Care. 🙂


Sight Words

Post 211

What are “sight words”? How do they help young students learning to read? And are they really that important? Simply put…sight words are what used to be called “high frequency words”. (In my class we call them “popcorn words” because they pop up all the time.) They are important to learn because of just that…they keep reappearing in everything readers read. Words such as I, my, see, said, here, etc. are so common that it is easier if they have been memorized so that reading can be more fluent. Also, quite a few cannot be figured out using letter sounds (for example here, my, look, the, etc.) That’s why so many early reading programs have a word of the week or something similar. Practice makes perfect and the more a child sees a word, the sooner they will recognize it when reading.

So how can you help your little reader become more comfortable with their popcorn words? An easy, fun way is to give them a highlighter in the color of their choice and an old newspaper or magazine. Ask them to find as many as they can and to highlight them. Or send them on a word hunt highlighting a specific high frequency word “The” is a good one to start with 😀. (I once let my 5 year old son highlight “the” in the NY Times while we were waiting for our food in a restaurant. You wouldn’t believe how many people there thought he was reading it! Lol.)

Flash cards are fun to use and easy to make. Just use index cards and a magic marker. Your child reads each word and puts the ones they know in a pile. They then add an unknown word to that pile and go through them all again. If they get the new word, they add another. If not, put it in with 5 known words and read them. When they can read it with 5 words, add it to the whole pile and try again. Once it becomes a known word, they can try another unknown one. If you can spend 15 minutes a day doing this with your child, you’ll be amazed at how proficient they will become.

Another way to reinforce sight words is when you are reading with your little one. Let them read any of the popcorn words they know in a story while you read the other ones. It’s a fun way to read together. And your child will love sharing the reading with you.

So, sight words are basic words that appear frequently when reading. Are they important? Yes. Does knowing them help young readers with fluency and understanding? Yes. Should you encourage your child to learn to recognize them? Yes. Can you both have fun doing that and will your little student be proud and read better? Yes. So, what are you waiting for?! Happy Reading!😀

Take Care. :)

children, easy readers, education, ELA, First Grade, graphic novels, homeschooling, Kindergarten, kindergarten books, kindergarten reading, kindergarten words, leveled readers, Literacy, parenting, parents, preschool, reading, school, teachers

Leveled Vs. Easy Readers

Post 210

Last week I talked a lot about reading and where your child should be at this time in the school year. As I’ve mentioned before, reading is where the emphasis is placed in the primary grades.

As a parent (caregiver, grandparent, etc.) you naturally want to help your little student any way you can to become a competent reader. I’m sure you’ve made visits to the library and bookstore (online or physical) to get them books to read. And I’m also sure you’ve tried to guide them to find reading material that interests them so they keep on reading. (*One side note here…pictures are GOOD. Illustrations are there to help explain the text. Pictures give insight beyond the words that help early readers understand them. And, in my opinion, graphic novels are another excellent way to keep readers engaged and reading.)

But it’s very easy to confuse what are designated as easy readers and leveled readers. Books that are small in size aren’t necessarily easy to read. Frequently the vocabulary used is way beyond a beginning reader’s ability to decode or figure out the words. The same goes for books that are marked easy or beginning readers. They are wonderful and have their place but your new reader won’t necessarily be able to read them independently. You could approach them by helping to read a page or letting your child read the words they know while you read the other ones. (*And always look at the pictures first.😀)

Leveled books contain certain words (high frequency ones) with specific phonetic patterns, and type of sentence that are at the level the student is reading at. For example, an A level reader might have text like…A dog., A cat, A tree, A car while a B level would read…I see a cat, I see a dog, I see a car, etc. Leveled books also review known phonic elements (such as a letter sound) and high frequency words already taught while adding new ones.

All of that means don’t be fooled into getting your child a book that you think is at their level but is harder than they can handle. Libraries have areas designated for leveled readers so if you know your child’s level, you can always go there for independent reading. Your child’s teacher can also recommend and even lend you some readers at their level. And never be afraid to help your little one over rough parts when they are reading.

In the end, the main thing to remember is to keep reading with your child. Your interest and encouragement will go a lot further than any book or reader to help them succeed. 😀 Happy reading!

Take Care. 🙂

children, education, ELA, First Grade, homeschooling, Kindergarten, kindergarten reading, Literacy, parenting, parents, picture books, preschool

Mid-Year Reading

Post 209

The New Year is here and hopefully things have settled down a bit at your home after the excitement of the holidays.😀 I have always loved January in school because of the calmness. The students are glad to be back with their friends and routines. They know what to expect and so do I. I guess you could say we are all comfortable with each other. Lol. A lot of learning goes on this month!

Reading is the single most important subject in the primary grades. As I’ve mentioned before, children learn to read at different speeds but in general all are reading well by Second Grade unless there is an underlying problem. The school day includes reading in lots of different ways. Some are guided reading (small groups of students on the same level with a teacher),independent reading, and read alouds (sharing a book with the whole class). And, of course, reading is highlighted in all other lessons or themes throughout the day. It is constantly emphasized.

Where should your child be in reading at this time of the year in Kindergarten? Different districts use different programs but each has a way of tracking students’ reading progress. Mine uses one called Fundations which has reading levels based on the type of book a child can read independently. But whatever program your child’s school uses, by now most students have learned letter sounds and are blending them together to figure out words. They have learned certain sight words such as I, me, my, you, we, is, etc. and are able to recognize them in print. They have also learned that looking at an illustration will help them figure out the words that go with it. (I once had a parent who would hide the illustration because he thought it was “cheating” if his daughter looked at it. It’s not!).

Generally speaking, your child should be able to read a simple text independently by now. But that is very general. At this time in Kindergarten the range for a “simple text” is everything from “the cat’ to “I see the cat” to “I can see a big red cat playing with a ball” and everything in between. That’s a huge range. And, of course, there are some students still learning letter sounds and some reading at a more advanced level.

So where should your child be right now? I think the biggest thing to see is progress. Look at where they were in September and where they are now in reading. Try not to compare them to their best friend or the neighbor’s child.(That’s hard! 🙂 ) Encourage them by continuing to read with them at home. If you want to do more to strengthen your child’s reading, check with their teacher for ways to help at home. (These can be as simple as sounding out the names of stores as you drive by or playing rhyming games with word families (-at, -in, -ike, etc.).) I have found that Kindergarteners usually make a big leap in reading around March when it suddenly all comes together. That’s what we are aiming for. Working together, you and your child’s teacher will see that happen. Remember, you are your child’s biggest inspiration and motivator. Let them know how proud you are of them when they read and they will!

Take Care. 🙂

*Please feel free to post any thoughts, questions, or ideas in the comments. 🙂

children, Christmas, Christmas presents, education, empathetic children, First Grade, giving, holidays, independence in Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Kwanzaa, parenting, parents, preschool, school, teachers, young students

Giving to Others

Post 208

As you know, giving to others is what this season is all about. And as parents (grandparents, guardians, caretakers) of young children, that’s what we try to do. There is nothing like the feeling of seeing a child’s eyes light up when they open a present we have given them. So how about letting your little one in on the fun? Kindness is a big buzzword right now (rightfully so) and there is no one kinder than a Kindergartener (Preschooler, First Grader). Help your child to find ways to give to others during these days of celebration.

Five year olds love to surprise others with handmade creations like pictures and cards so maybe help them make a list of the special people in their lives and make one for each of them. Just set your child up with paper, crayons, pens, glue, scissors, (glitter if you are brave) and let them create. In the midst of asking Santa for what they want, it’s such a good balance to think of others. And “others” can be everyone from family members to family dogs and cats! Let your child lead the way on whom they want to make presents for.

If your child is not into crafts right now, how about taking them with you to a dollar store and letting them pick out reasonable gifts for those in their lives? Try to let them decide on presents with just a little guidance, if possible. That way they can take ownership of the whole experience. And, of course, let them wrap it on their own. That’s a major part of the fun. 😀

Another thought to show your child that “giving is better than receiving” is to include them if you volunteer anywhere. Or to let them help out if you give to the Toys For Tots program near you. In the classroom, I try to emphasize that “the feeling you get inside from giving to someone ie even better than when you get something.” Four, five and six year olds are so open to that. It’s really beautiful to see!

Whatever you decide, try to let your little on have fun giving to others this holiday season. As they say, “it’s not the gift but the thought that counts”. And they will get so much from bringing a smile to someone else’s face!

Happy Holidays! 🙂

children, children's feelings, children's moods, Christmas, Christmas presents, education, empathetic children, First Grade, giving, grumpy children, Hanukkah, holidays, homeschooling, Kindergarten, Kindergarten activities, Kindergarten extracurricular activities, Kwanzaa, parenting, parents, school, SEL, social emotional learning, teachers, young students

Grumpy…During the Holidays?

Post 207

The holiday season is upon us. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa or something else, it’s here! And there are so many fun things to do, how can your five (four, six) year old be grumpy and out of sorts? Actually, it makes sense. This time of year, happy as it is, can be overwhelming to a young child. (to adults too, right?) So it’s not that unusual that your little student may be out of sorts. As grownups, we hide our feelings but with children what you see is what you get!

The biggest thing I would suggest is to not try to do everything that comes along. There are so many concerts, tree lightings, parades, visits with Santa, shopping, wrapping, baking, etc. that you can’t possibly do it all. And why would you? Try to choose a few things that are most important (an older sibling’s concert, for example) and most fun for your child and let the rest go. If you have time, you can add something else in and there’s always next year. 😀

I try to do the same in the classroom and I am guessing your little one’s teacher is the same. There are so many worthwhile theme lessons that I have to take a step back and realize that we can’t do them all. There’s no point in rushing my class through one project just so we can get to the next one. I try to emphasize giving to our loved ones and bring that into everything we do. To me, that’s the most important message of the season…thinking of others. And isn’t that the whole point of the holidays?

So, relish this joyous time with your little one. And try to do it at a pace you can all enjoy.

Take Care and Happy Holidays! 🙂

children, Christmas, Christmas presents, education, ELA, First Grade, Hanukkah, holidays, homeschooling, homework, Kindergarten, Kindergarten activities, kindergarten reading, Literacy, Math, parenting, parents, preschool, school, teachers, Writing, young students

More Homework?

Post 206

Homework in Kindergarten? That depends on the district and the teacher. Some students crave it while others dread it. In my school, we typically send home 10 -20 minutes of work that is a reinforcement of something taught that day. Recently, though, a colleague of mine was asked by many parents during conferences to send home more worksheets for the children to do.

Worksheets have their place but let’s face it, they can be boring day after day! If you want your little student to practice what they are doing in school, how about some authentic learning experiences? Authentic learning is a fancy way of saying real life experiences. They are so much fun and there are lots of easy ways to incorporate them into your child’s regular day especially at this time of year. If you celebrate Christmas, your child can practice letter and number formation by writing their own wish list to Santa. Or encourage them to write cards (sign their name) if you are sending them out. Another idea would be to have your little one write down a shopping list that you dictate when going to the food store. A good way to build letter/sound ID into your child’s day is to look at store signs as you are driving and ask your child the first letter and its sound. You could also play rhyming games such as taking turns calling out words like lake, cake, make, flake or cat, bat, sat, mat to reinforce word families (in this case -ake and -at). That can be done in the car, at home, during bath time, etc., etc.😀

Something we do in school is to make a journal each month for students to draw a picture in and write a sentence (or words) that go with it. It is simply a few lined pages stapled to a cover that can be colored in. You could do the same thing at home and then send it in for your child’s teacher to see. (We love that for a Show & Tell!) And a great way to reinforce number counting is to let your child help you cook or bake and count out the cups of flour, etc. used in a recipe.

Educational toys also have their place in ways to “authentically” reinforce learning. They are fun and that’s what we are all trying to promote, right? Learning should be pleasant, not a burden.

If you have other ways you incorporate learning into your child’s day, please write them in the comments. I’d love to hear them and we can all use good ideas!

Take Care. 🙂



Post 205

Your little student is probably bringing home a lot of papers they have worked on at school. I don’t mean notices form administration. I am talking about your child’d work. For example, in my Kindergarten class, we have an ongoing lesson called Star of the Day. Each day a student is randomly picked to be the Star. We “interview” them finding out important facts such as their favorite color, learn how to write their name, and then draw a picture of them. These papers are bound into a booklet that the Star gets to take home that day. It’s a big deal…promoting friendship while also showing the importance of writing letters correctly and “in the right order”. Definitely a win/win all around. 😀 And that’s only one example of what might be in your little one’s backpack. There are lots of other papers…math, drawing, theme projects, etc. all of them very important to your child since this is how they spend their day.

So…what should you do with all that once it is out of folders and on your kitchen counter? You certainly want to support your child by showing them you are proud of their schoolwork. If you value what they do in class, they will. And that’s a great way to help your child build a strong academic base and a love of learning.

First of all, I would suggest going over your child’s papers with them. Let them tell you what went on and explain them to you. Then, if possible, display some. I used to put them up on a door in the middle of my kitchen. Other people post them on a bulletin board or in their little student’s room or around a doorway. It really doesn’t matter where as long as there is a definite place to exhibit your child’s work. Another alternative or addition to this would be to have a special box to keep work in. You and your child could go through it periodically to see how far they have come from the beginning of the year. The whole point is to let your child know that you value what they do in school and are proud of it. You are the most important person in your little one’s life. Your interest and praise will do more to encourage them than anything else. And remember to enjoy this time with your child. It does go fast!

Take Care. 🙂

children, education, ELA, First Grade, Kindergarten, Kindergarten activities, Literacy, parenting, parents, preschool, school, teachers, Writing


Post 205

Writing in Kindergarten? How can that be when your little one may barely be able to recognize letters from numbers? How are they supposed to get thoughts down on paper? And where do they start?

Kindergarten students start with the letter names and sounds. Most districts have phonics programs that also include how to form each letter. Along with that, children are given journals of some sort to write and illustrate in. And all of this happens at once! (There are also lots of other times during the school day that writing is brought in but more about that later.)

The idea is that “writers become writers by writing”. When writing on their own, letter formation is not as important as getting a thought expressed. Students are taught very early on that “words and pictures go together”. This is done lots of ways such as looking at books in a whole group or teachers writing a sentence on chart paper and then illustrating it. It is worked into science and theme lessons as well as those that focus on reading and writing specifically. In Kindergarten, we have staples such as the Morning Message, Weather Bear, Days of the Week to help reinforce concepts of reading and writing.

But most importantly children are encouraged to listen for letter sounds in words they want to write and then to add a picture so that “word and pictures go together”. Some students come into Kindergarten ready to stretch out the sounds and write actual words. At this time of year, however, most are making a few marks on the lines and then creating a drawing to go with it. If that’s where your child is, that’s fine! The whole idea is to get them comfortable with the writing process.As I said above, WRITERS BECOME WRITERS BY WRITING is the maxim. Frequently I will write in script under a child’s work what they tell me their letters are saying. As they learn more letters those will appear in their writing. Even one or two “letters” right now is fine. Again, it’s all to get students used to writing.

At this point, I don’t correct anything a child writes and I would encourage you to do the same at home. So many of us were so hung up on forming letters correctly and making things look right that the actual act of writing became a chore. That’s what educators are trying to avoid here. Eventually, phonics will kick in and the idea that “letters have to be in the correct order” will register. But right now give your child chances to write and draw and don’t worry about it being perfect. That will come later on if they have a good base to start with. 😀

Take Care. 🙂

children, education, First Grade, Kindergarten, parent teacher conferences, parenting, parents, preschool, Progress Reports, report cards, school, teachers, young students


Post 204

Conferences ( meetings with your child’s teacher to discuss them) should be coming up this month unless they have already occurred. These are different from report cards. While academics are discussed usually at this first one the emphasis is on your child’s adjustment to Kindergarten. It gives both teachers and parents (caretakers) a chance to compare notes.

You will probably have a definite time for your conference. Try to be there a few minutes early if you can. Most conferences have a set amount of minutes and start right when they are scheduled. It’s crucial to keep to that schedule when trying to meet with 20 – 25 student families.

If at all possible, please don’t bring your little one. If you must bring them, have something to keep them occupied while you speak to their teacher. Five year olds take in everything that is said even if they don’t appear to be paying much attention. And it’s harder for the teacher (and you) to be candid when little ears are listening!

There is usually a format your child’s teacher will follow that will give you both a chance to talk. If you have a concern about your child’s behavior or academics or social adjustment this is the time to bring it up. If there isn’t enough time to go as deeply as you’d like, set up a phone call or another meeting time. No teacher ever minds talking with a concerned parent about their child.

A good idea is to write down any questions you may have beforehand so you don’t forget them. Be open to the teacher’s suggestions and really listen to them. And remember to relax. This is the person your little one spends most of their day with and it’s a great way to get to know them. Teachers feel the same way about meeting parents. It’s a perfect way to understand where each child is coming from and gives us new insights into how to better educate your child. Remember…you are both there for the same reason…to help your child have the best school experience possible. It really is a partnership!

Take Care. 😀



Post 203

Reading is the most important skill your child will learn in the primary grades. It’s the key to future academic success so it is front and center. In Kindergarten, students are constantly being read to and have guided reading and phonics lessons. But that’s not all. Even in other subjects, such as science and math, reading is brought in, just as it is in the upper grades.

Children starting Kindergarten come in reading at all different levels. This runs the gamut from students who don’t know the difference between a number and a letter to those who can read full sentences. Quite a range!

So how do teachers manage to help individual children progress with so many varying abilities in one classroom? Most schools have a program that “meets each student where they are.” My district uses one called Fundations. It is phonics based and teaches letter names and sounds using a puppet and letter cards. The students memorize the letter name, sound and a key word that starts with that sound. That way when they are trying to figure out a word they can “think of the card” and recall the letter sounds. This is taught in a very fun way during a whole class lesson. It is a first exposure for beginning readers and helps cement the letters and sounds for more advanced ones. So everyone benefits. 😀 High frequency words are also taught in a whole group setting. These are common words such as the, see, you, etc. (I call them “popcorn”words since they “pop up” all the time.)

Children are put together by ability for small group instruction. Beginning groups do letter name/sound games while more advanced ones read in leveled readers. (More about those later.) These groups have 3 – 5 children in them so each can get individualized instruction with the teacher.

Frequently reading programs have a penmanship component in which students are taught the correct way to form letters. That includes everything from how to hold a pencil to staying above or below the lines to what mark to make first.

There is also another whole writing component to all this but I’ll cover that in a later post. And, as I mentioned before, reading is brought into most lessons in a lot of different ways, one of which is theme books. So reading is taught in a fun way with puppets, music, and enticing lessons. That way students want to learn rather than having them look at it as drudgery. Keep on encouraging and praising your little student as they move along in their reading journey. I think you will be amazed at how quickly they progress in the next few months. It’s a wonderful thing to see!

Take Care. 🙂



Post 202

Hopefully things are moving along smoothly for your little student. Routines are set and they are settled into a full school day.

But what if they aren’t? What if your child is coming home upset about something going on in the classroom? How can you tell if it is a real problem or one of those things that come up and then go away in a day or two?

My thought would be if it lasts, to talk to your child’s teacher. So many parents/caretakers, especially those who are new to the school system, are hesitant to contact the school. They don’t want to be labeled “that parent” who is always complaining, demanding attention for their child. While there are certainly those type of parents, educators can quickly sense when that is the motivation for calls, emails, notes or texts.

Honestly, no teacher is ever upset with a parent who has a legitimate concern. We welcome your input. It helps us to better understand your child and so be better able to teach them. And that’s the whole point, isn’t it? Also, please always make your little one’s teacher is the first one you contact. They are with your child for the majority of the school day and will understand a particular problem better than an administrator would.

Usually there are two areas of concern…emotional/social well being and academics. I make it a point to tell parents that if something is going on at home that will affect their child in the classroom to please let me know. It will be kept confidential and will help me understand why your child is acting out or withdrawn in school so I can give them some extra TLC. If they are concerned about something going on in school, chances are other children are too, and communication gives me a heads up on the situation.

As far as academic worries, I can’t tell you how much we educators welcome those. We are teaching because we love to teach and when a parent wants to help their child learn, we are with you 100%. There are always some parents who never look at their child’s work or report card which doesn’t really make any sense. A lot of learning goes on in the primary grades. These grades are the base upon which the rest of your child’s academic career is built. so it’s important their foundation is strong.

The bottom line is that school is a partnership between home and school. We are all there to make your child’s school years happy and productive. Working together, we can make sure that happens.😀

Take Care. 🙂

children, children's feelings, education, First Grade, Kindergarten, new school year, parenting, parents, preschool, school, school readiness, SEL, social emotional learning, teachers, young students

How Was School Today?

Post 201

A friend mentioned to me recently that she has been having a hard time getting her daughter to tell her any particulars about school. She only tells her the bare minimum and sometimes that’s hard to pull out of her. If your child is the same way, relax, it’s perfectly normal.

First of all, I think we need to remember how tired children are after a long day of school. Think about yourself after work. Frequently it’s the last thing we want to talk about when we get home! Your little one may be the same. Sometimes giving them time to have a snack and decompress before asking much is a good strategy.

You may also hear bits and pieces rather than a list of what went on all at once. My friend finds that more comes out about school when she colors with her daughter. I think that’s a great idea! Her little one is relaxed doing something she likes with her mom and therefore more likely to share.

Another way I have found works is to ask your child specific questions rather than general ones. Instead of “What did you do all day” try something such as “What book did your teacher read today” (there’s always at least one) or “Who did you play with during recess”. Asking something like “Did you get to use markers in Art today” will usually elicit more information than “Did you go to Art today”. Be patient and try not to bombard your child with questions the minute they get home. ( I know…it’s hard! Lol)

Of course, if your little one is one of those who loves to tell you everything about their day, enjoy it! But, if not, don’t give up. Tailor a couple of these ideas to them and they they will eventually share…with a little nudge from you! 😀

Take Care. 🙂

**If you have found a strategy that works with your child…such as the coloring one mentioned…please share it in the comments. We can all get good ideas from each other! Thanks.

bussing, education, First Grade, Kindergarten, new school year, parenting, parents, routine, school, school buses, school readiness, teachers, young students


Post 200

I have been seeing a number of online posts about troubles with buses the first week of school. They’re running late and parents/caretakers are frantic not knowing where their children are. They also are not sure what time to have their little ones at the bus stop in the morning since the buses seem to not be keeping to the schedule they were given.

First of all, give the buses at least two weeks. Drivers are getting used to new routes. Schools are dealing with getting children on the right bus at dismissal. It all takes time but it will get ironed out. My advice is to get to your child’s bus stop a few minutes early for both pick up and drop off. By the end of this week you should have a good idea of what will be an average time for both.

Bus rules are there for a reason. Please encourage your child to adhere to them. We all make sure our little ones use seat belts and keep hands/heads out of the window in our cars. The same goes for the school bus. Frequently bus drivers give the youngest children assigned seats. This is to ensure that they drop off new students at the correct stop. It’s also to make sure that little ones who fall asleep on the bus don’t get overlooked and left on it until the end of the route. (Believe it or not, that happened to one of my Kindergarten students a while back on the very first day of school. He was allowed to sit with friends in the back of the bus, fell asleep, and never got off at his stop. His mom, of course, panicked and called the school, frantic to know where he was. I knew he had gotten on the bus but it wasn’t until the last child was dropped off and the driver checked his bus at the terminal that the child was found. Thank goodness drivers do that before parking the bus and leaving!) If your child isn’t sitting in the front of the bus, you might consider telling them to.

If your child has any problems with other students on the school bus, please speak to the driver. They are your best friend in that situation. Teachers have no control over what happens on the bus after they put their students on. Administration will sometimes get involved but please start with the bus driver first. Give them a chance to help you.

Finally, if your little one is on the school bus with older students, don’t be surprised if they get off at some point using words you’ve never heard come out of their mouth before! My own got off after his first day and told me , “That was a h*** of a ride!” Lol. Needless to say, I told him we don’t use those words. But it happens and it is very innocent when it does.

Hopefully, this will help if you’ve had any bus anxiety. If everything has gone smoothly (or you drive your child or they are a walker), that’s great. That’s one thing that was on your list that you don’t have to worry about!

Take Care. 😀


Welcome To School

Post 199

School starts tomorrow! (That’s in my area of the United States. Your little one may have already started, depending on where you live.) Whether you and your child are excited or apprehensive, a whole new chapter of their life (and yours) is about to begin.

So, they’ve picked out a first day outfit and gotten a new backpack, lunch box and snack holder. You’ve checked the bus schedule (twice) and gotten your child a haircut. What do you do now? RELAX!

Kindergarten is a wonderful time. It’s magical and your child will grow in ways you can’t imagine this year. Even if they are a bit hesitant right now, they will love it.

You, though, probably have conflicting feelings. You are excited for your little one to grow and learn and have new adventures but it is still hard to let them go. They’ve been with you for five years and suddenly someone else will be in charge for six hours a day. If it helps, you are totally normal. We all feel that way when our children start something new. And your child will still be coming home to YOU at the end of the day full of stories about what went on in school. 😀

So, put a smile on your face tomorrow and get them on the bus (don’t give in and drive them). If they see you being confident, it will go a long way in helping them to be confident. And I promise you, no child ever cried in school for the whole day! Any who are upset are so for about five minutes and then get engrossed in what is going on in the classroom. (Believe me, the school would call you if there was a real problem!)

*As a quick note, I’m sure you gotten a list of supplies to send in. They all doh’t have to go into school on the very first day. Send them in a few at a time this week so your child isn’t overly burdened down.

**Also, expect your little one to be very tired after school for the next week or so. New schedules are hard to adjust to!

Enjoy this new adventure with your child and Happy School!

Take Care. 🙂

children, education, First Grade, friendship, Kindergarten, Kindergarten activities, parenting, parents, play, playtime, preschool, school, teachers, vacation


Post 198

Summer is finally here! And with it comes vacation…a time to relax and reflect on the past year. You and your little one have made it! 👏 Think about all the worries you both had in September and think about where your child is now. It’s unbelievable…all the growth that has taken place.

In my last post, we talked about options for the months ahead. You know what is best for your child and how much activity they should have. Don’t forget the value of boredom and to keep them reading. Relish this time that you have them home all to yourself. It’s special and very precious. 😀

This will be my last post until right before school starts. If you know of anyone whose child is starting (or continuing) school in August, September, please send them over to join us. Have a wonderful summer with your wonderful little one. See you next school year!

Take Care. 🙂

children, children's feelings, children's moods, education, ELA, First Grade, Kindergarten, Kindergarten activities, kindergarten books, kindergarten reading, Literacy, parenting, parents, picture books, preschool, reading, summer vacation, teachers, vacation, young students

Vacation Activities

Post 197

School will be over soon (or already is) and summer is spreading in front of us like a long golden path. Time for family fun, relaxation, and no school schedules. Sounds wonderful, right? But then we worry that our children will become bored with nothing to do. What will they do with themselves over the long weeks ahead without the structure of school?

A lot of families choose summer camps for their little ones. These can be great. Some are geared toward a particular interest such as art or sports. Others are more general with games and swimming as the main highlights. Then there are the families who choose to not schedule anything during the summer. The idea is that everyone needs a break from the constant running around that happens during the school year. Either way, you know your child and what will work best for them.

The main thing I would encourage you to do is to keep your little one reading consistently during summer vacation. As a teacher, I have found that students often drop back at least one reading level over the summer. The way to prevent that is easy…keep reading! Just having your child read regularly to you at night is good. Another simple way is to let them be part of the free reading clubs that most libraries run during the summer. They usually involve prizes and incentives for books read. Whatever you decide, encourage your little one to read books at the reading level they are on and even on the one above that. (If you don’t know their reading level, ask their teacher.) Librarians can show you where the leveled books are. And, of course, there’s nothing wrong with them reading an “easier” book on occasion. It’s fun and a great confidence builder. Also there are lots of online reading program that are fun and will keep your child moving along. The point is to keep them reading!

As a final note, I have personally found that it is actually a good thing for children to get bored, especially near the end of the summer. It means they have wound down from the past school year and are ready to take on the challenges of a new one.

So, keep the reading going and take care! 🙂


Spirit Days

Post 196

It’s June and schools are trying very hard to keep students interested and involved. And believe me, it is hard! After Memorial Day, summer vacation is so close that classes feel as if they have one foot out the door. Everyone is ready for a break.😀 But there are still a few weeks of school left (especially if you live in the northeast US), hence Spirit Days.

My district sponsors things such as Crazy Hair Day, a bike rodeo and an ice cream social day, along with field days and end of the year celebrations. Add to that, classes and learning still going on and it’s a lot!

As a parent, you are probably in the same boat. You are ready for the school year to end and the “lazy, crazy days of summer” to begin. All of these special days can seem to be too much to have to deal with right now. Try to remember that the children really look forward to them. This is when friendships really solidify…when things ease up and the kids have time to enjoy the fun things at school. Think back to your school memories. Chances are, these are the days you remember that made school fun.

So, try to roll with it. If your little one doesn’t have the perfect hat to wear or exactly the right color outfit, that’s ok. No one is going to judge you. The idea is to inject some lighthearted fun into the school curriculum and to give students a break on days they would rather be outside playing. They have worked hard all year. So have you supporting them. It really is time to lighten things up!

Take Care. 🙂

children, children's fears, children's feelings, education, empathetic children, First Grade, independence in Kindergarten, Kindergarten, parenting, parents, preschool, regression in kindergarten, school, SEL, young students

Regression in May

Post 195

This is the time of year when everyone is looking ahead to summer and next year. It’s mentioned in school and also at home that your child will probably be moving to another grade and teacher. Everyone is excited and proud until suddenly it hits a lot of students…I’ll be in a different class 😳…I’ll have a different teacher 😥…Oh no!! 😩

The result of this panic very often is a regression to behaviors not seen since September. Reluctance to get on the bus, clinginess, and even acting out are all examples. Think about it. A young student has very little control over their environment and with children’s feelings what you see is what you get. They haven’t learned to hide feelings the way we adults do. So what’s the one thing they can do? Let them out…usually in a behavior that seems out of place such as crying or reluctance to do something they previously had no problem with.

We see this in school, too. I try to let the children know that even though they are in a different class they can always come and “visit’ me next year. I, of course, emphasize how smart they have become and have “learned almost all there is to learn in Kindergarten” and that First Grade will be so much fun. (I also let them know how very proud I am of them and that I love them.)

You can do the same at home. Let your little one know that you empathize with their feelings but that next year will be wonderful because they are more than ready for it. They’ve done a great job this year and you are so proud of them. Remind them that their Kindergarten (Preschool, First Grade) friends will be with them. And, of course, if there is a new playground or something else your child would enjoy involved, emphasize that! 🙂

Not all children are overly apprehensive about next year but most are a little nervous. By reassuring them that you understand and that it’s normal, you can ease any worries. And then both of you can enjoy the rest of this school year!

Take Care. 🙂

children, education, First Grade, Kindergarten, new school year, parenting, parents, placement, preschool, school, teachers

Looking Ahead

Post 194

I know it is only May but most school districts have already scheduled placement meetings with their faculties. A placement meeting is when this year’s teachers on a grade level meet with administration (and often psychologists) to make up classes at the next grade level from this year’s students. A lot of thought and time goes into that process but more about that later.

This leads to the topic of whom your child will have for a teacher next year. If your child is the type who will do well with any teacher then let the school do its job. Believe me, it is not one taken lightly! But what should you do if there is a someone you know would really connect with your little one? Some schools do not encourage parents to request a particular educator. And that’s fair. Frequently a teacher’s reputation can be based on gossip or politics. Sometimes the “best” teacher on a grade level is simply the one who knows how to play the game the best. And sometimes the teacher who is more in the background is the one who would be the best fit for your child.

But let’s assume you have first hand knowledge of a teacher that you know would make your child’s year. In that case, I would encourage you to make a request. It can be in written form or in person. If you are not encouraged to name names, you could certainly describe the personality of your preferred teacher (“encouraging”, “organized”) and/or the type of classroom they run (“structured”, “creative”) etc. If you are not sure who your child would flourish with, I would contact this year’s teacher. They spend every day with your little student and know them very well.

I am certainly not encouraging you to take over the school’s job. But if there is a teacher you know your child would do well with or, more importantly, would not do well with, then make a request. A well though out polite request is actually a help at placement meetings. We are all trying for the same thing…the best educational environment for your child.

Take Care. 🙂

children, education, ELA, First Grade, graphic novels, homeschooling, Kindergarten, kindergarten books, kindergarten reading, Literacy, parenting, parents, picture books, preschool, reading, school, teachers, young students

Graphic Novels Vs. Picture Books

Post 193

Your little student is probably well on their way to reading fluently by now. Even if they have been struggling with reading, they are certainly further along than they were in September! That’s great and it’s something you want to encourage and certainly keep going over the summer. Now that your child has learned to read (up to a point 😀), you want them to love to read. Of course, not everyone will. But being a fluent reader makes school and life so much easier that it’s a goal most of us have for our children.

A while back, the only type of book recommended for this age group was a picture book. And they are still great! In school, one of the strategies we teach beginning readers is that “words and pictures go together.” We instruct beginning students to look at the picture on a page before trying to read the words. The picture gives a clue about what to expect in the text. Good idea, right? So, why, for a long time, were graphic novels frowned upon as not really reading? They take picture book format one step further in that there are lots of pictures with the words right in them! Thank goodness this prejudice is disappearing. There are any number of excellent graphic novels out there. And if that’s what your child likes to read, I would encourage them to do so. It’s fun and that’s what reading should be. I’m not saying to skip traditional texts but maybe you could read those together. And I think you will find that one type of reading enhances the other. Your child will become more fluent in reading just by reading.

A quick note here, a lot of children like to read for information. They like to read “how to” books rather than stories. That’s absolutely fine. (How many self help books have you enjoyed?) They are reading!

The point is…whatever format your little one enjoys just keep them reading. Help them to see the joy in it and you will have a lifelong reader.😀

Take Care. 🙂


Spring Sports

Post 192

Spring is finally here bringing with it warmer weather and that harbinger of the new season…Spring sports! There are so many to choose from. Your child wants to be in all of them (or none of them). How do you choose?!

First of all, take a breath. As my mom used to say, there are only so many hours in a day. Whatever sport your child starts, it still needs to fit around school and any other activity they are already involved in. What are they interested in? What sports are their friends interested in? To my mind, one of the best aspects of sports is that they teach a child what it means to be part of a team. And if a friend or sibling is on a team with them, it makes it a whole lot easier to work together. 😀 Also, if your child is the least bit hesitant about walking out on a field, having someone with them that they know can really help.

But maybe your little one is the type who loves to get out there and wants to sign up for everything. That’s great! You want them to have fun, right? Just be careful of over scheduling. You know how you get when there is too much going on. Your five (six) year old is the same. They need downtime to regroup, too. Remember, they can try something this year and switch if they don’t like it next year. There is time.

Finally, as usual, you know your child best. If they decide to go for a Spring sport, support them and enjoy this special time. Your little one’s world is expanding but they need your support to keep it stable. So, get out there on the sidelines when you can and cheer for your small athlete. (Just remember to wear sunscreen! Lol.)

Take Care. 🙂

children, education, empathetic children, First Grade, homeschooling, Kindergarten, parenting, parents, preschool, school, SEL, social emotional learning, teachers, young students

Helpful Parenting

Post 191

Helpful. Isn’t that the very definition of what we all try to be for our children? As parents (caretakers) we try to guide our little ones to make good choices as they grow. We try to help them avoid problems along the way and attempt to prop them up when they need support.One of the definitions you can find online of good parenting (there are lots!) is that it “aims to develop in children character traits like independence, self-direction, honesty, self-control, kindness, and cooperation.”

Whew! That’s a lot when it’s written in words, isn’t it? It puts a great amount of pressure on all of us as parents, caretakers, and teachers. If it were a job description, I think most of us would think twice before applying! Right?

But let’s look at that definition. Independence…we all try for that for our children. In the classroom, students take responsibility for completing a task correctly and on time. The same thing happens at home when your 5 year old dresses themself and brushes their teeth in the morning without being told to. Self direction is a little harder. In school, students are encouraged to choose projects, books, etc. that excite them . At home, I’m sure your child figures out what /whom to play with on their own. Honesty, self control, and cooperation are important in both the classroom and home. We expect our children to sit through a lesson or a dinner without yelling out and we reward them when they tell us what really happened or why it did. And kindness has become a new buzz word but what a good one it is! In school, I encourage my students to say, “I’m happy for you, my friend” whenever anyone reaches a goal as one act of kindness. I’m sure you do the same at home whether it’s praising your little one for sharing with a sibling or taking time to play with the dog.

The point is to first of all, trust yourself. You know your child best and therefore know what they need to be the best they can as they grow. Will you make mistakes? Of course! That’s called being human. We all do. But, hopefully, most of the decisions you make about your child will fall on the positive side. Also, know that you are your little one’s most influential role model. Whether we realize it or not, they are watching and absorbing everything. As a teacher, I am so aware of that. The way I talk to a student, the way I handle a situation, even the way I dress are all taken in by my pupils. They do the same, even more so, with their parents. A great example was when I had two students playing in the kitchen area. The little girl went to bring drinks to the table for “lunch”. The boy leaned back in his chair and said, “That’s ok. I’ll just have a beer.” Children absorb a lot more than we think!

The other thing to remember is to keep a sense of humor. Parenting like teaching can be hard but I think it is the most wonderful career on earth. Laugh with your child and enjoy them. I find children can brighten any day just with their enthusiasm and openness. Remember to have fun with yours!

Take Care. 🙂

children, education, First Grade, homeschooling, Kindergarten, Kindergarten activities, Math, parenting, parents, preschool, school, teachers



Post 190

Math in Kindergarten is second only to Reading in importance. Luckily most 5 and 6 year olds think it is fun and really enjoy it. If this is your first experience with a child in school, I think you may be surprised at all the concepts covered. Gone are the days of only counting to 20, sorting, and writing numbers to 10. Nowadays students are doing basic addition, some subtraction, counting by 5’s and 10’s, and recognizing numbers up to 100. They are learning to graph and do basic estimation. Concepts such as “in front of”, “next to”, and “in back of” are part of the curriculum along with shapes, patterning, and writing the numbers 1-20. It’s a very full program!

So, what can you do at home to help your little one with Math? Actually, there are probably a lot of activities you are already doing with them that can be tweaked to emphasize Math concepts. If they help you cook, let them count out the number of eggs or cups of flour to use, then also add up the number of cookies on one plate with those on another. (They can subtract the ones they eat! Lol.) One to one correspondence is another concept we teach. A way to go over that with your little student would be to line up vehicles and action figures. Have your child put a figure in front of each car and then touch each one as they count them. Sorting can be reinforced by taking a pile of candy (stuffies, cereal, cookies, etc.) and helping them to group them by color, shape, or any other way they can be sorted. Start a pattern with different kinds of cereal and have your child continue it. Make two piles of stuffies and ask your child how many there are all together…another way to reinforce adding. Ask your little one to help you make a list by writing the numbers 1 – 10 in a column for you. The list goes on and on.

The point is that Math concepts can easily be introduced into almost any activity your child is playing. There is no real need to set aside time to do it. As I mentioned last week, bringing these concepts into everyday life makes them “authentic learning”. And isn’t that the whole point?😀

Take Care. 🙂

children, education, ELA, First Grade, homeschooling, homework, Kindergarten, Kindergarten activities, kindergarten reading, Literacy, mathematics, parenting, parents, preschool, reading, responsibility in children, routine, school, social emotional learning, teachers, time management, Writing, young students


Post 189

March is a special month in Kindergarten. It’s the time of year when a lot of academic growth suddenly shines. It is when all those phonics lessons, all that sight word drill, all the emphasis on letter sounds, all the guided reading, all the math practices…it all is coming together. Everything suddenly makes sense and our little students are “getting it” and moving to higher reading levels more quickly than we ever would have expected. It is so exciting to see and be part of in the classroom. All their hard work is paying off.😀

Just as each child is unique, the amount of improvement is different for each one. But it really does happen. They are so proud of themselves. And that pride encourages them to keep trying and as a result, they keep improving. Nice, isn’t it?!

There are lots of ways you can encourage your little one’s growth at home. Now would be an ideal time to give them a little more responsibility that uses what they have learned in the classroom. They could write on a shopping list as you dictate things that you need to pick up. When you are reading together, try reading a page and then letting your child read the next one. This can also be done sentence by sentence or each of you could be the voice of a different character. Let them go with you to pick out a birthday card for a friend and then sign it by themself. When you are cooking, let them figure out that if there are 3 teaspoons in a tablespoon and you need two tablespoons, you should be adding 6 teaspoons to the bowl. And then let them do it. Also try to make these moments “real”. Children realize when we are giving them busy work. So encourage your student by trusting them with something you really have to do. (In education that’s called “authentic learning” because it is. Lol)

Finally I would encourage you to keep up the routines you have established for your child. But maybe let them take a little more responsibility for them. And, most of all, enjoy this time of achievement with them. They have worked hard to get here and so have you!

Take Care. 🙂

children, education, empathetic children, First Grade, friends, friendship, how to play, Kindergarten, kindergarten words, parenting, parents, play, playtime, school, SEL, social emotional learning, teachers, unkind children, unkind words, young students

Unkind Words

Post 188

“Unkind words”…That’s teacher language for when a child is bossy or mean to another child. But how mean can a five year old be? To adults it all can seem so trivial. But nothing cuts as deeply in the primary grades as the sentence, “You can’t come to my birthday party.” Just the look on the other child’s face tells you that. It isolates them from and makes them one of the “unchosen” ones.

This is the time of year that remarks like that surface in the classroom. The students have been together since September and have formed groups. They like playing with one person over another. And that’s ok! What’s not ok is hurting someone’s feelings with words. So, frequently I bring out a cute bear puppet named Muffin when we are in a class meeting. Muffin will often have a “problem” that mirrors what went on in the classroom. In this case, Muffin would be upset about not getting invited to a birthday party. The class would brainstorm ways that the other person could have talked to Muffin without hurting feelings. I would also make sure to include the child who originally said the offending remark as we make a chart of phrases that Muffin could use. (Afterward I would talk privately to that student about using nicer words when playing with friends.) The biggest thing I would try to get across to the class through Muffin is that while it’s fine to like some classmates better than others, they have to be nice to ALL the students in the class.

At home, you can do the same thing. For example, if your child wants to have a playdate with one student over another, fine. But remind them that they need to respect other students and not use sentences such as,”You can’t come”, to the other child. And if your little one is the one left out, try to remind them that there are lots of other children in the class that are fun. Help them think of ways they could play with another student. (It’s tricky and will break your heart at times. But the good news is that children move on from these situations very quickly…even if you never forget it!)

Your child is beginning to grow up a bit. These situations are the first of many that will come up. They are lucky to have you to help them navigate them!

Take Care. 😀

children, education, ELA, First Grade, Kindergarten, parent teacher conferences, parenting, parents, preschool, Progress Reports, report cards, school, young students


Post 187

   Sometime this month your child should be receiving their report card or they already have. In my district, it is the second contact most families have with their child’s teacher about how they are doing in school. Usually schools have them online and may or may not hand out paper copies. So please read it! Your little one’s teacher has spent a lot of time and thought on it. It’s a snapshot of where each student is both academically and socially at this time of year.

   The first report card was mostly about how students have adjusted to school and are ready to learn. Now we are in the middle of the year and down to the nitty gritty, so to speak. If your child is “on grade level” or “above grade level” then everything is fine. They are right where they should be. Tell your little student how proud you are of them and keep doing whatever you are doing as far as homework and routines go. Obviously it’s working.👍

   If your little one has a “below grade level” or its equivalent, don’t panic. This is the time of year to make adjustments and help students so that at the end of school they are where they should be. Contact your child’s teacher to discuss exactly what that grade means and what adjustments can be made to help your child. Please don’t let it go until the next report card. Academics at this level are built upon previous learning so if your child is struggling in one area (reading or math), it’s very unlikely to improve without intervention. And no teacher will ever be upset with a parent who is concerned about their child. The whole idea is that we work together with you to make this the best year your little one can have in school!

   And please don’t ignore the “social development” side of your little student’s report card. That’s such an important component to a child’s development at this age. Think back to all the worries you had when you sent them off in September…would they listen, sit still, cry all day, etc. Now they are thinking of others, sharing, helping with classroom management, etc. If they are at grade level or above, that’s really

awesome! 👏 Reinforce it by again telling your little one how proud you are of them! And if there is a “below grade level” anywhere, contact your child’s teacher. This side of the report card is just as important (if not more so) as the academic side. Work out a plan NOW to help your child before things get out of hand. Again, your little one’s teacher will welcome your input and have specific suggestions to help your child.

   Hopefully report card time will always be a happy one that you and your child will look forward to. If not, they have you and their teacher to help fix it! Take Care. 😀

children, children's feelings, education, ELA, First Grade, giving, holidays, Kindergarten, Kindergarten activities, Literacy, parenting, parents, preschool, school, teachers, young students

Valentine’s Day

Post 186

Valentine’s Day is next week and is a very big deal in Kindergarten (First Grade/Preschool). It is so much fun! Think back to when you were in school. There’s nothing more exciting than receiving those red and pink cards from friends. Now your child gets to experience that feeling. As I said, so much fun. 😀❤️

In school, I try to emphasize that as happy as you feel when receiving something, it’s an even better feeling to give to someone else. The whole point of Valentine’s Day is to help the students think of others. That is something that comes very easily to them. Five year olds love to give to the important people in their lives so heart shaped cards are right up there! And why not put those beginning writing skills we talked about last week to work? Help your little one to write their name on the cards. You can dot it out for them to trace if need be. I would suggest you do this in small batches if your child gets tired easily. Writing is hard work for Kindergarteners…holding the pencil and forming the letters take concentration. And don’t be too picky if their writing isn’t perfect. The idea is to foster the idea that writing is fun and has a real world application. So just let them write. If your child is proficient, let them write friends’ name on the envelopes. Provide them with a list to copy ad let them go! And while they are at it, how about making/writing cards or small notes for grandparents and other family members? That’s another fun Valentine’s Day ELA project to do at home.

Just as a quick note…if your child is bringing in cards to give out in class, please make sure there is one for each child in the class. There is always a child or two who doesn’t get that many and they DO notice. This should be a happy day, not one that makes a student anxious. And a last thought, I often make students a booklet out of pink and red paper to glue their valentines into. It makes a nice “book” for them to read and remember their friends from after the day is over. You could do the same at home. If you don’t want to get into making it, you can always let your child use a notebook for their valentines. (And it is a good way to not have paper hearts all over the house for the next few weeks! Lol)

Most of all, have a fun time with your little one. Happy Valentine’s Day!❤️

Take Care. 🙂

children, education, ELA, First Grade, homeschooling, Kindergarten, Kindergarten activities, kindergarten words, Literacy, parenting, parents, preschool, school, teachers, Writing, young students


Post 185

Is there writing in Kindergarten? Absolutely! When does it happen? Daily! How important is it? Very! Writing in the primary grades (K – 2) is a major part of the ELA curriculum. It is second only to reading and goes hand in hand with it. The belief is that”writers become writers by writing”. So children in class are encouraged to write from Day 1.

By now, students have learned that “letters in a word have to be in the right order.” I would expect your little one to be attempting to write words and group them into sentences. They also know that sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a period. It’s a lot for a 5 year old to remember! Lol.

A word of caution here…When you are helping your child write something at home I wouldn’t rush in to correct their spelling despite the above “rule”. As I mentioned, writers become writers by writing, and right now, getting something down on paper is the most important thing. Phonetic (invented) spelling is fine. As long as your child can “read” it (even if you can’t) that’s ok.Rules such as “e at the end of a word will make the vowel say its name” will be taught along with phonics and eventually will be incorporated into their writing.

In the classroom, your little one is actually writing all day. They have some sort of journal where they write a sentence and then draw a picture to go with it.(“Words and pictures go together”…another K Saying. 😀) But writing happens in other academic areas, too. In math, students write the number words, in science they may record what they see happening with a seed, for example. Theme projects incorporate writing such as listing different types of winter birds.Writing is happening all the time.

You can encourage your child’s writing at home, too. For example, ask them to write on a shopping list what you need…simple words like eggs and milk. Help them “stretch out” the word to hear the letter sounds. Give them other real world examples of writing. Valentine’s Day is coming up. What better way to write than to write friends’ names on cards or to write a message on a homemade message for a loved one? And remember to let your little one know how proud you are of their efforts. That’s the best encouragement of all!

Take Care. 🙂

children, education, ELA, First Grade, homeschooling, Kindergarten, kindergarten reading, Literacy, parenting, parents, preschool, reading, school, teachers


Post 184

It’s January, almost halfway through the school year. Where should your child be in Reading? Considering that Reading is one of the most important skills your little one will acquire this year, that’s a very good question.

First of all, your student, whatever grade they are in, should have progressed from the beginning of the year. Teachers try to meet students where they are in September and move them along. Also, some children take to reading more easily and quickly than others. That’s especially true in Kindergarten. It’s sort of the way some babies learn to walk first and then talk whereas others do the opposite. They all get there but at their own pace. Reading is like that, too. By Second Grade, all are reading…it just may take some children longer than others to get there.

That being said, there are some indicators that will help you figure out if your young reader is where most children are at this time of year. Using Guided Reading levels, they should be in a B by now. If your child’s school uses another reading program, that means a book where there is one sentence per page that repeats the sentence structure until the last page when it changes slightly. (For example: “Ted sees the red bike. (p. 1), Ted sees the blue bike. (p.2), Ted sees the green bike. (p.3), etc. until the last page which says, “Ted sees a very big bike.”). There’s always a twist on the final page. The next level, C, is a big jump from this sort of repetition. So, if a student is in a B right now, they have a few months to get into a C and really master it. And the aim is for most of the class to be reading at a D level by the end of the year.

Again, if your child is not in a B right now, don’t panic. If you want to help your little one move along quicker, talk to their teacher. That’s the person who can best recommend strategies for your particular child. And all children, whatever level they are at, will benefit from books at their reading level that they read with you at home. (You can always “challenge” them with a book one step up or build up their confidence with one that is one step easier.) If your little one balks at reading traditional books, how about graphic novels and/or comics? It’s hard work for a small child to read so if you read one speech bubble (or page, or sentence) and then they do, they won’t get as tired and it will help keep their interest.

I would recommend you check where your child is in Reading now rather than wait until later. This is the time of year that lots of learning takes place. Once we get into Spring, students start to wind down. It becomes harder for them to concentrate. Right now they are in the swing of things and there is time for adjustments to be made so they have the best Kindergarten experience they can.

Take Care. 😀


Kindness continued…

Post 183

Kindness has become a buzzword these days. We see it all over advertisements and media. It’s as if it’s a new concept that no one has ever heard of before. I find that funny since kindness (called respect, fair play, politeness, etc. ) has always been part of the school curriculum. Most children in the Primary Grades are naturally kind. They are very empathetic towards friends and others they care about. They are genuinely happy when another succeeds. And that sort of attitude is always encouraged in the classroom.

So it’s certainly not a bad thing that kindness is being pushed these days. Some districts are tying it in with Valentines Day by having a Kindness Week. Children are being encouraged to smile at a new friend, compliment or play with another child, complete a random act of kindness, etc. Some classes are establishing a Kindness Wall where students can place a post it every time they are kind to another child. Kindness is being celebrated.

This all carries over to home, too. Be aware when your little one does something kind for a family member and remark on it. It can be as simple as, “Hey, that was nice.” Letting your child know you noticed is a great form of encouragement. And one of the best ways you can show your child kindness is by really listening to them. So often, as adults, we tend to brush aside a 5 year old’s concerns as nothing important because, in the scheme of things, they really aren’t. But, in that moment, they are vitally important to your 5 year old. Whether it’s something emotional like a friend not playing with them or something physical like a tooth hurting, they are very real to your child. So often I have found myself assigning adult reasoning to a Kindergartener. And that’s not true. With children, I have found, what you see is what you get. Their emotions are very transparent. There’s no hidden agenda. And, after that, you can decide how important the issue is and how to proceed.

So, maybe kindness is a good buzzword after all. There’s that famous book by Robert Fulghum entitled All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. And isn’t kindness a good thing to learn?

Take Care. 🙂


January Kindness

Post 182

January is here and with it comes a welcome calm after the craziness of the holidays. I have always loved this time of year in the classroom. The students are used to school. The routines they have learned provide a familiarity that we all gratefully settle back into. They (we all!) relish a sense of normalcy. The children are excited to see their friends. They are ready to learn and are open to new challenges. A lot of academic growth takes place between now and March which is wonderful.

In the classroom we are learning new sight words and continuing our guided reading and math lessons. Our themes for the month are mittens, snow, and winter animals. We are emphasizing kindness by saying, “I’m happy for you, my friend” whenever anyone does an especially good job. This can be something academic or social. It can be for anything from reading a whole book by themselves to zipping up a troublesome backpack. When a friend helps another friend, we all clap. These are the accomplishments, large and small, that we celebrate daily.

I would recommend doing the same at home. After the excitement of December it’s nice to be able to take time to appreciate how far your little one has come this year. Take the time to notice and mention how well they are getting themselves ready for school, taking the bus, doing homework when they should, reading, writing, etc. on their own. And don’t forget those “kind” moments when they speak/play nicely with a friend, take the dog out, or tell a parent they look pretty. These are all part of their social/emotional growth as well as their academic. Both parts are important. They make up the whole child. Remember, you are your child’s most important person. They look to you for approval. If you let them know how much you value their learning and their kindness, they will try even harder. When both home and school work together your little one can only shine. And isn’t that the whole point?!

Take Care. 🙂

children, Christmas, Christmas presents, education, empathetic children, First Grade, giving, Hanukkah, holidays, homeschooling, Kindergarten, Kwanzaa, Literacy, parenting, parents, preschool, Writing, young students

Thinking of Others

As Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa get closer, we all try to make every one of our children’s dreams (within reason) come true. That’s normal and fun. We encourage our little ones to talk to Santa and list what they want for Christmas. But with that comes the worry that we are encouraging them to be greedy. I honestly don’t think that’s too likely. Kindergarteners (First Graders, Preschoolers) are some of the most generous people in the world. So why not let them get in on the fun of giving to others? In school, I try to emphasize that “the feeling you get inside from giving is even better than the one you feel when you receive a present.” We make simple gifts for families and the class loves it. They all go home for Christmas Break with a bag of handmade presents for their families that they are supposed to keep hidden until the big day and then surprise loved ones with. (They usually don’t make it…4,5,6 year olds can’t wait to give out gifts. Lol)

You can do the same thing at home. Help your child make a list of people or pets they would like to give gifts to. Set them up with paper, glue, crayons, holiday stickers (glitter, if you are brave enough) and watch them go to town. Not only will they be thinking of others but they will be practicing Kindergarten skills like cutting, reading and writing…always a good thing!

If you have time, what about taking your child to a Dollar Store and helping them to pick out some gifts for loved ones? Then let them wrap and personalize them on their own. There’s nothing like getting a present from a 5 year old that you can tell they decorated themselves, right?

If you happen to volunteer somewhere, why not take your youngster along with you as you do holiday activities there? Another way would be to encourage your little one to help you donate to any of the charities that are outside at Malls and stores at this time of year. The whole point is to remind your little one to think of others. As I mentioned above, they are some of the most generous beings on the planet and will love this aspect of the holidays. The trick is to bring it to their level in a way they enjoy.

Finally, try to take the time to see the holidays through your child’s eyes. It really is a magical time of year. Treasure it and cherish them. Happy Holidays!

Take Care. 🙂

children, children's feelings, children's moods, Christmas, education, First Grade, Hanukkah, Kindergarten, parenting, parents, preschool, school, teachers


Post 180

It’s that time of year again! It’s wonderful, exciting, fun, and… exhausting! Between parties, holiday parades, Santa, the Elf on the Shelf, special relatives, etc., it’s no wonder that your little one may be out of sorts when they get off the bus. So much going on!

It really is a wonderful season but, let’s face it, you get stressed and so does your child. Kindergarteners try so hard to hold it together in school that they have to let off steam somewhere. And that “somewhere” is usually at home. (But, seriously, isn’t that better than at school?)

So, what can you do? You really want this to be a magical time for your child. There is so much to take advantage of. How do you choose?

First of all, realize you (and your child) can’t do everything. If you look at social media, it seems as if everyone else does. But they don’t, believe me. Pick a couple of events that are the most important that your child will enjoy and skip the rest. (There’s always next year.) I found this out in school when I tried to cover all sorts of theme topics from Holidays Around the World to dreidels tot he Grinch and on and on. I suddenly realized that I was rushing the class through one project just to get to the next one. Add in our normal Guided Reading and Math and it was crazy. What was the point? I felt rushed and the class felt stressed. Now we concentrate on kindness…making a few gifts for those we love. Anything else we get to is extra.

Maybe try the same thing at home. Enjoy activities that fit into your schedule and forget the rest. Try as best you can to keep your child on their regular schedule. Especially try to keep a regular bedtime. I personally think that’s vital. No one can learn or enjoy things if they are tired.

So, do your best and try to really cherish this time with your little one. It’s true what they say, it all goes by too fast. See things through your child’s eyes and feel the magic.

Take Care. 🙂

children, Christmas, Christmas presents, education, empathetic children, First Grade, friends, friendship, Hanukkah, holidays, Kindergarten, Kindergarten activities, Literacy, parents, preschool, Writing

Holiday Writing

Post 179

Your child has been learning a lot these past months in school. So why not put those skills to use as the holidays approach? As you know, your little one is going to get more and more excited as we get closer to Hanukkah, Kwanza and Christmas. Including them in holiday prep is a great way to channel that excitement into something constructive. Plus it’s fun!

In the classroom I try to emphasize thinking of others at this time of year. We make at least one present a week for our families. We talk about the happy feeling you get inside when you give something to someone that you created just for them. The same can be done at home.

At this point, your child should be able to form most of the letters. They could use that skill for making cards for the important people in their lives. You could write a list of names such as Nana, PopPop, Aunt, Uncle, Brother, Sister, etc. for your child to copy. Then help your little student to come up with another list of simple sentences such as “I love you”, “Happy Holidays”, etc. Fold a piece of paper in half and show them how to make a card copying a name and sentence on one side and drawing a holiday picture on the other. These cards could be handed out or you could mail them (with your child) to relatives and friends who live far away. It’s a great way to reinforce reading and writing skills. Even more importantly, you are teaching your little one kindness!

Another way to practice writing skills would be number writing. Let your child help you make holiday lists by writing the numbers for you in a column. (By this time of year, they should realize that numbers and letters are not interchangeable.🤞) **And as a side note, it is not “cheating” to dot out letters or numbers for them to trace over or to have a reference chart for them to copy. Those are valid aids for writing.

So, as we enter this holiday season with all its excitement and stress, try to enjoy it with your little one. It may be a crazy time but you will look back on these days as some of your best memories ever. Cherish them!

Take Care. 🙂

children, education, First Grade, holidays, Kindergarten, parenting, parents, preschool, school, teachers, Thanksgiving

School…A partnership?

Post 178

I have always felt that school is a partnership between parents (families) and teachers. We both want the same thing…for our students (children) to succeed. That’s the whole point.

Most teachers call their students “my kids” and they are. For the hours they are at school, students spend most of their time with their teachers. And we care about them a lot. We think about them when we are home, plan for ways to help them be successful, and are excited when they are. Nothing makes a day better than knowing you have gotten through to a student. We want to see them do well.

For that to happen both sides need to work together. That’s why a lot of times I advise you to “talk to the teacher” if you have a concern about your little one. Together we can make your child’s first experience with school a positive one. And that will go a long way towards making their whole educational career a good one.

So, let’s be thankful that we can do this together. Happy Thanksgiving!

Take Care. 🙂



Post 177

Thanksgiving in America is only two weeks away. This is traditionally the time of year when families get together, eat turkey, and are generally thankful for each other and all that they have. It is also traditionally the time of year that classes sing songs, put on plays, and have parties and/or feasts celebrating the “friendship” between the Pilgrims and the Indians. That’s the way I have always treated this holiday in the classroom. Not any more! Our nation has become increasingly aware that all was not well between those two groups and that actually Native Americans have frequently been treated very poorly.

How does this impact your little student? From what I can tell, the emphasis is being put on “thanks” this year and what it means to each child. At least that is what I would do. It’s in the word Thanksgiving and emphasizing what we give thanks for is very appropriate for primary grade children. (It’s actually appropriate for all age children!) It also depends on what your school district’s policy is. Some mention may be made of the Pilgrims and all they endured. Indians may also be talked about in an age appropriate manner.

What has all this got to do with you? Be aware of how your child’s teacher/school is handling it. This can be a very sensitive topic depending on where in the country you live. And it is time that these issues that were never discussed are recognized. But as far as your 4,5, or 6 year old is concerned, I would suggest you support whatever their teacher decides to do to celebrate in school. I have seen parents get very upset that their child’s class is not having a full Thanksgiving dinner. Some teachers are up for it and some are not. (And, truthfully, very few of the children that age actually eat it.) So, if your child’s class is having a snack and making a craft, go along with it. If they are putting on a play and having a feast, go along with it. If they emphasize being thankful and write a journal entry about that, go along with it. Most teachers know their classes well by now and have figured out the best way for them to observe the holiday. And if you are invited to participate and can do it, go! It’s a special time in Kindergarten (Preschool, First Grade). Enjoy it!

Happy Thanksgiving 🦃 and Take Care. 😀

children, education, parent teacher conferences


Post 176

Most schools schedule conferences for this time of year. The word alone can make you uncomfortable as a parent. What will the teacher have to say about your child? Are they social? Are they academically where they should be? What if there’s a problem? How much should you say?

First of all, remember, your child’s teacher is on your side. Educators want to see their students succeed. That’s what we’re there for! And we enjoy meeting our pupils’ families. It fills in their backgrounds and helps us to better understand them in class.

Secondly, please be on time. Usually conferences are scheduled one after another. If one runs late, all the others following will be. We try very hard to keep things running smoothly so it’s a big help to have parents/caretakers arrive promptly.

Next, listen to what your child’s teacher has to say. We spend a lot of time preparing for conferences, making sure we know where each of our students are academically and socially. At this time of year, the main emphasis in Kindergarten is has your little one made the transition from PreK to K well. If a child is comfortable and happy in the classroom, they will learn. So we want to make sure that all of our students have settled in nicely. We only see them in school so your feedback on what you are seeing at home is a big help. The same is true for higher grades. Although the emphasis might be more on where your child is academically, teachers still want to be sure students are enjoying their time in the classroom.

I would suggest you make a list of anything you want brought up. Most likely, a lot of what you are concerned about will be covered in either your child’s report or what their teacher has to say. But it’s easy to forget something when there is a time limit.

If you or your little student’s teacher feel you need more time, schedule a later meeting or phone call. No teacher is ever “bothered” by a parent or caretaker who is concerned about their child. If you are seeing a problem socially or academically, we want to know. It helps us help your child and get them on the right track. And, chances are, if you have a question, other families do, too. So don’t be afraid you are being a pain!

And please tell your little one how proud you are of them when you get home. Even if there are concerns, pick out something positive that was said at the conference and emphasize it to your child. All of us thrive when praised and children are no different. Setting a positive tone about school at this early age will go a long way to keeping it “fun” as your child progresses through the grades.😀

Take Care. 🙂



Post 175

Halloween is next week and I’m guessing your little one has already worn their costume to at least one event. So much fun!

In school there is also probably going to be a party, parade, or assembly to celebrate. If so, there are some things I’d like you to consider:

1.) If your child is wearing their costume to school in the morning, please put it over regular school clothes,

2.) Please do not send in weapons with your child’s costume even if they are part of “the look”. They are too easy to poke someone with if there is a parade. (They are also very tempting to play with in the classroom!),

3.) Please have your little student wear sneakers or school shoes. Coverings that come with costumes are often slippery and make outdoor play dangerous,

4.) If you are sending in clothes for your child to change into, please make it an outfit they can put on by themselves. (Imagine 22 children each needing help with getting out of costumes and into play clothes!🤪),

5.) If your child’s costume is one that you treasure or was very expensive, consider getting a cheaper one for them to wear to school. Usually all the pieces get home in good condition but that can’t be promised. So if it is a dance outfit or something they will wear later, it’s better not to have that stress.

These are just a few tips I have learned over the years. Of course, follow whatever procedure your child’s teacher has sent home. and enjoy this special time with your little one. In my opinion, it really is a great holiday! Happy Halloween!🎃

Take Care. 🙂


What Did You Do In School Today?

Post 174

So many parents tell me that their children tell them very little about their school day. All they get are one word answers when they ask about what went on. And that’s ok. Some children are just reticent about talking about all that happened. and most little ones (and older ones, too!) are tired after a long day in the classroom. Think about how you feel after work. Sometimes you just want to sit and be alone for a bit. Your little student may be the same way. There’s a lot of stimulation in the classroom and often children just need to decompress a bit. Frequently, you’ll hear bits and pieces after they have been home for a while. (Of course, some children love to talk about their day and you hear everything! Lol. And that’s great. If that’s your child, enjoy it! 🙂 ) But how can you get your little student to at least tell you something that went on during the day?

What I have found works is to ask your child specifics. Instead of questions such as, “How was school” or “What did you learn today” try something like “What book did the teacher read to you today” or “Who did you play with on the swings”. Asking, “What game did you play in gym” will elicit more information than “Did you have Gym today”. Obviously your questions will be tailored to your child and their day. But asking specific questions should help you get to know a little more about how your star student is spending their day. Good Luck! 😀

Take Care. 🙂


Reading Basics

Post 173

Reading is one of, if not the most important subjects taught in the Primary Grades. When you can read, you can learn anything, right? But how does a beginning reader learn? What are the strategies used?

Begin with the basics. A number of students come into Kindergarten already knowing their letters and some sounds. But just as many enter the classroom not knowing the difference between a letter and a number. So, the first thing to do is to introduce letters and the fact that letters have sounds. There are lots of different methods for this. In my district we use a program called Fundations that employs both letter cards and puppets. The puppets grab attention and the memorization of the cards (that have both letter names and sounds) give the students something to fall back on when they begins to recognize words. (Smart, huh?!)

Then the next thing is to emphasize that words are made of letters and those letters have to “be in the right order”. I usually start the year with something called Star of the Day. A child’s name is picked from a jar. We then “interview” that child finding out important facts such as their favorite color, how many brothers, sisters, they have, how old they are, what they like to do after school. etc. Next we spell their name putting the letters “in the right order” by cutting up a sentence strip I wrote it on, mixing the letters up, and letting the Star rearrange them to spell their name correctly. The class then writes the Star Student’s name on a piece of construction paper and draws a picture of the child. These papers are assembled into a book for the Star to take home and share with their family. This accomplishes two things. First, classmates get to know each other and secondly, they begin to learn that letters with sounds have to be put in a consistent way to form a word. And what word is more important to a 5 year old than their name?!

Finally, students are taught that words can be put into something called sentences. This goes on all year and is reinforced by lessons in which books are read aloud, journals are written in, students watch ad help their teacher read and write and other ways. The theory is that “readers become readers by reading”. And it really is successful. Different elements of this kick in as children are ready for them. And by the end of the year most students are reading, some fluently. (If your child is in Preschool, letter names are emphasized. If they are in First or Second Grade, reading instruction continues with the use of leveled books and other methods.)

That’s just a peek at how your child is spending their day in the wonderful world of Kindergarten.😀

Take Care. 🙂



Post 172

Regression? In the Primary Grades? How is that possible…where do you “regress” to if you are only 5 (4,6) years old?! Lol. Good question! By regression I mean behavior. We see it happen a lot in Kindergarten, especially after time off for a weekend or, if you live where I do, holidays like Rosh Hashanah. Any break in routine (see last week’s post😀) can cause a new student to revert back to behaviors they exhibited the first week of school. Your child’s attitude may suddenly become weepy or nervous. They may not want to get out of bed or go on the school bus. Homework may become an issue again or they may get very clingy or grouchy at home.

When you think about it, it’s perfectly understandable. When we adults start something new, like a job, it isn’t all smooth sailing. Even if things go well, we are still plagued by self doubt, worries of handling everything, etc. It’s no different for children. Their worries seem minor since we know they will all work out but to a 5 year old, they can be overwhelming.

So, what to do? In the classroom , I get right back into the routines we’ve worked so hard to establish. If the class knows what to expect and when to expect it, they feel a certain amount of security. I would suggest you do the same at home…get back into your child’s normal regimen of getting up at a certain time, getting ready for school, coming home, snack, homework, play, dinner, and bedtime. But I would also add a little bit more leeway such as reading an extra bedtime story, or maybe going for ice cream in the middle of the week. Whatever would sort of cushion things for your little student. In school, I try to plan an especially fun lesson or project for the first day after a vacation for the same reason.

Of course, your child may not experience any of this. They may be fine after a break and that’s wonderful. Just realize, if it does happen at any time this year, it’s not uncommon. All children are “normal”! 😀

Take Care. 🙂

children, education, First Grade, homework, Kindergarten, new school year, parenting, parents, preschool, routine, teachers, time management, young students

Routines…Why Are They Important?

Post 171

Congratulations! Your little student has settled into school and all those worries you had over the summer have been resolved. Hopefully, they like their teacher and have made a few friends. Learning has begun and I guarantee that soon you will be surprised by how much they have progressed already.😀

In education, we call September “classroom management month”…unofficially, of course. Lol. That means this is the month that our students learn those routines we will use all year. They are taught how to behave and where to sit during Morning Meeting, what each block of time during the day will be used for, how to ask permission for and use the bathroom, how to walk together in the hallway, what to do in the cafeteria, where cubbies are and how to use them, what to do on a bus line, etc., etc., etc. The list goes on and on. The point is that they learn the classroom routines that will keep things running smoothly all year and promote optimum learning.

The same can be true at home. This is when it is a good idea to establish the routines that will help your child to get the most out of their school experience. Routines let your little one know what to expect and when to expect it. They also help give them a sense of security and calm.

I really think there are only 3 that are the most important. They are:

1) Morning… This includes everything from when to get up, where to eat breakfast, how to get dressed, how and when to get on their backpack and how to get out the door to the bus,

2) Evening…This is very much the same…when and where to eat dinner, brush teeth and get to bed,

3) Homework / After School…In my opinion, this is the most important one to set up and be consistent about. I would suggest you have a definite time, preferably right after they come in and have a snack, to do homework. If you can help your child get into a routine of doing it first when they come home and are the freshest, it will make your life, and theirs, so much easier when they get into the higher grades! Even if your child’s teacher/school has a no homework policy for the Primary Grades, try to set 10 – 15 minutes aside to go over any work brought home with them and to discuss what went on in school. Those minutes will become a special bonding time that you will be glad you two had and shared as well as setting up a. routine for later years.

Of course, there are going to be interruptions…soccer practice, dance, running to the store, etc. We all live in the real world! But basic routines will help both your child and you get the most out of that amazing adventure called school! 😀

Take Care. 🙂



Post 170

Hooray! Your child is all settled in. They (and you) have gotten through the first few days or week of school. They have taken the bus, met their teacher, navigated their classroom, eaten lunch in school, and made a friend or two. Life is good! You can relax. All the worries you had this summer about your little one have more or less been resolved. Right?

Wrong! Just when you think things should run smoothly and stay the same, they change. Your new student comes home with an attitude. That innocent little child you knew suddenly seems to be saying and doing things that they never would have thought of two weeks ago. Where did all this come from and what did you do wrong?!

First off, you did nothing wrong. Change, as we all know, is an ongoing thing. We adults change daily based on our surroundings and the people we interact with. Children are no different. Your child is probably going to try on new behaviors based on what they see or hear in school or on the playground. Some of those will be good such as learning to sit still and listen because the teacher models it, being a little more independent hanging up their backpack or tying their shoes. But some might not be so “positive”…think answering back or interrupting when you are talking. (My oldest got off the school bus his first day of school and commented, “That was a hell of a good ride”…there were eighth graders on the bus with him. Lol)

What do you do if this happens? Don’t get too upset! Remember you are still your little one’s parent. What you say goes and they very much want your approval. Say something like, “We don’t say/do that here”, and move on. I wouldn’t make too big a thing about it. Ignoring it is the first thing. Distraction also works. For example, if your child starts using gestures you don’t approve of, turn it into a finger play like ‘Where ls Thumbkin’ or ‘Open Shut Them’ and, again, move on. The point is to not reinforce bad behavior by dwelling on it. If it becomes too ingrained or happens too often you will have to be firmer but usually these behaviors are transitory. And, of course, praise your child when they act/speak the way you want them to.

Your child is going to grow in all sorts of ways this year. With your’s and the teacher’s guidance it will be a positive and wonderful experience for both of you. Celebrate it! 😀

Take Care. 🙂


Here We Go!

Post 169

You’ve got your little one’s backpack, new clothes, and supplies all set. They’ve gotten a haircut and are excited to ride the school bus. So, what do you do now? RELAX!!

Kindergarten is a wonderful time. Your child will learn and grow in ways you can’t imagine. It’s a magical time. And they will love it, even if they seem hesitant right now.

You, on the other hand, probably have a jumble of feelings going on inside right now. You are happy your little student is on track for their next life stage, happy to have a little free time, happy to see your child have a new adventure, but scared that they will be lost, upset, and that you are losing your “baby”. If it helps at all, that’s totally normal. We all feel that way when they go off to school. (I’d like to tell you it gets better as your child gets older. It does, in the sense that it’s more normal, but you never really get over that feeling.)

All I can tell you is put a smile on your face and PUT YOUR CHILD ON THE BUS that first day. Let them go off seeing you confident. Our children reflect what they see in us so project that positivity even if you are crumbling inside. Follow the bus discreetly if it helps (I did that 4 times…4 kids) but don’t let them see you. And I promise you, no child ever cries for more than two minutes once in school. (And, if they did, believe me, the school would call you.)

So, enjoy this new stage with your little one. Have faith in them and yourself. And, remember, they DO cone back home to you at the end of the day! 😀

Take Care. 🙂



Post 168

Summer is here! Or it almost is depending on where you live. 😀 That’s definitely a good thing. You and your little student have navigated the year and hopefully, have both come out smarter at the end of it. You…on how to encourage and help your child learn and your little one…educationally and socially more secure.

So what to do over the long months ahead? They stretch out like a golden path in front of both of you. Should you let your child do nothing after such a long year or should they be scheduled with something to do every minute? Obviously, the answer lies somewhere in between those two extremes.

There are lots of options. Camps, especially those geared towards special interests such as science, animals, dance, art, etc. are great. If that seems too much a lot of school districts offer recreation day camps that are free and children can show up on a day to day basis. Or maybe this is the time to let your child explore an interest by trying out a special class in something that interests them. These can be local or online. (I have been impressed with

The one thing I would encourage is for your little one to keep reading. Most children drop back at least a level over the summer months. Teachers expect that but if your little one is encouraged to read whether through a library program, online, with a relative, friend, or you, it definitely helps offset that decline. It will really help them fly when school starts again!

And don’t underestimate the value of boredom. I personally feel most children need to be a bit bored at times over the summer. If they are kept constantly stimulated their brains and bodies don’t get a chance to rest and build up for next year. And there’s something to be said for days with nothing planned where they…and you with them…can just dream. (Sounds good, doesn’t it?)

Whatever the summer brings, enjoy it with your special child. These times with them go fast. Cherish them. And have a wonderful summer vacation!

Take Care. 🙂


Reading IS Fun

Post 167

As summer is looming ahead (or, for some of you, already started), being a teacher, my thoughts turn to how to keep students reading at the level they are at. Generally, most children have dropped back a level or two in the Fall due to being simply “out of practice”.

I always recommend the Summer Reading Club at your local library. It is free, gets the children into a library picking out books, and there is always some kind of reward…stickers, a party, etc. Not a bad deal! The idea is to subtly have little ones realize that reading IS fun. Because it is!

For some students, this happens naturally. They love to look at books, be read to, and try to read. Wonderful! But for a lot of children, especially those who haven’t quite mastered the basics, reading is WORK! Probably, your little one falls somewhere in between these two extremes. Maybe they love to be read to but don’t really want to make the effort to read themselves. So how can you help them realize reading IS fun especially over the summer?

My suggestion is to first of all, let them read what they want. It can be a comic, an easy reader, whatever. And don’t be upset if it is at an easier level than where you think they should be. The idea is to help your child become a fluent reader and something not as demanding is easier and therefore more fun. 😀 Of course, as your little student becomes more comfortable and fluent, up the level of the reading material to at least where they should be. (And be careful of books marked “easy readers”. They aren’t always “easy” due to uncomplicated words. Sometimes it has more to do with word count. Also, physically small books don’t mean they are easy to read, either.)

Another idea is to encourage you child to read to someone. That can be anyone…a sibling or grandparent is fine but a dog, cat, or even their favorite stuffies are terrific, too! That’s where reading a slightly easier text or one they have memorized is good. Fluency will just happen + no stress = FUN. And that’s the whole idea. Right?

You might want to encourage “picture walks” through new books before trying to read the text. This is when the reader simply browses through a book, looking at the pictures, and tells the story based on that alone. It doesn’t have to be correct. It gets the child into the story in a relaxed way. That’s another way to build reading fluency…especially when done with a favorite stuffed animal listening. 😀

Finally, most children absorb ideas through modeling. So, let your little one see you enjoying reading. Again, it can be a magazine, book, graphic novel, cookbook, whatever you enjoy. And, of course, keep reading together. Whether at bedtime or whenever those are special moments you both will never forget. And YOU + YOUR CHILD + READING = FUN.

Take Care. 😀

children, education, First Grade, Kindergarten, new school year, parenting, parents, placement, preschool, school

Next Year

Post 166

As we near the end of the school year everyone is starting to look ahead to the next grade. In the classroom, teachers are trying their best to make sure their students are prepared for the next level of academics. Students are starting to realize they won’t be with the same teacher in the Fall (which can be good or bad depending on the situation). But everybody is feeling the end of the school year looming.

That leads to a rather touchy topic…whom will your child have next year? Most schools do not allow families to request a particular teacher for their child. And most schools do their very best to place students in the best learning situation possible based on personality, academics, and class members. But suppose there is a teacher you know your little one would do well with or, even more important, one you know they wouldn’t. What should you do, if anything?

First of all, make sure your preference is based on more than gossip. If you have first hand. or even second hand knowledge about a particular teacher, that’s good. Be aware that sometimes an educator’s reputation is based more on politics than anything else. And I would trust your gut instinct. You know your child best. You know the environment they would thrive in. Case in point…I once had a conversation with a teacher who asked me, “Would you rather he learn to read or be published?” (This particular teacher was well known for publishing a compilation of student work at the end of the year.) Honestly, I knew it would be better for my little one to get a strong phonics foundation so I knew he’d be better placed in a more traditionally taught classroom. This teacher was fine, just not the best fit for my child. Usually, most grade levels work together to plan curriculum so I would personally base any preference on personalities and the atmosphere in the classroom. I would also suggest you get in touch with your child’s current teacher. They will have a very good idea of whom your child would thrive with.

Of course, if you really don’t know anything about next year’s teachers or you know your child will do well with any of them, let the school place your little one. As I mentioned, it is never done haphazardly. Students are assigned classes based on a great deal of thought and consideration. If you do have a preference, make a request. If you are not supposed to name names, describe the educator in way that is clear but is from the point of view of where/with whom your child would learn best. Some examples encouraging atmosphere, a structured classroom, a bubbly (or quieter) personality, etc. Again, talking to your little one’s present teacher would be a good idea. Please, I am not advocating that you need to take over the school’s job. But if there is a teacher you really know your child would do well with, or more importantly, would not do well with, then make a polite, well thought out request. It actually is a help when placement meetings come around.

In the end, we all want the same thing, the best education for your child. And isn’t that what school is all about?

Take Care. 😀

education, First Grade, Kindergarten, kindergarten reading, Literacy, reading, school, young students

Get Them Reading!

Post 165

I know. A lot of you are thinking…”Get Them Reading”…of course, isn’t that what school, especially in the primary grades, is all about? Yes, it is. It is about learning to read. But that is different from loving to read. Of course, not everyone loves to read. But it makes school so much easier and adds so much enjoyment to life that becoming a person who reads for enjoyment is a goal most of us have for our children. (As a side note…reading for information fits in here, too. Lots of us enjoy learning something new about a topic when we read. How many self help books have you picked up?)

So often we tend to think the only books that are worthwhile for our little ones to read are ones that look like traditional fiction. For a long time, comics and graphic novels were frowned upon as frivolous as if they didn’t really “count”. In my opinion, they are every bit as valuable in building a lifelong reader as any other form of reading material. The point is to get our children to read..period! It doesn’t matter what as long as they are reading. So, encourage them to find books, comics, magazines, etc. on topics they enjoy and to read them. Think about it. Pictures enhance enjoyment so why not comics or graphic novels? Reading doesn’t have to be so serious. (As a side note, there is a current movement in publishing today to add illustrations to young adult/adult novels. Think about it. Weren’t you always attracted to the book with the best pictures growing up? Why aren’t they in your books now?)

So, encourage your little student to read whatever format appeals to them. Most likely it will be a combination of all of the above. Just “get them reading” to build a reader for life. 😀

Take Care. 🙂


Mathematics 2

Post 164

In my last post we talked about ways that your little one’s Math skills could be bolstered at home. I listed some ideas based on a typical Kindergarten curriculum. There are a few more topics that are covered in school that can be easily reinforced. And please realize that I am not advocating that you spend all home time reteaching the school Math program! These are suggestions to use if you feel your child is having trouble with any of the concepts. It’s amazing how much a little real life application (called “authentic learning” in educational circles) can help make an idea click.

Coins are introduced in Kindergarten. And what child doesn’t love sorting through them? They should be able to identify pennies, dimes, and hopefully nickels and quarters. If possible, knowing the cents value is good, too.

Basic 2D and 3D shapes are important, too. These include squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres. Examples are all around the house. Cereal boxes, glassware, party hats, balls, etc. While your child is off this week (if they are), how about sending them on a scavenger shape hunt? Try giving them a paper with the shapes on it that they can check off as they find them. Or, even simpler, ask them the name of the shape of the cereal box while they are eating breakfast. You could even ask them to count the vertices (corners) on it! 👏

Subtraction is introduced about this time of year as the concept of “taking from”. This can be done with fingers, toys, pennies, candy, cereal, etc. Again, this doesn’t have to be anything formal. (You could even help your little one figure out how many toys are left to clean up after putting one away.)

Ordinal numbers (1st – 10th) are a big thing. This is an easy one. Try lining up play cars, dolls, or even friends and then figuring out who is first, third, sixth, (even last) in line.

Again, pick and choose here. If you sense your child is weak in some area of Math, give them a boost with a little reinforcement. It can’t hurt and may help them further down the road when other concepts are introduced that build on these basic ones. And, besides, it’s fun! 😀

Take Care. 🙂

children, education, First Grade, Kindergarten, Kindergarten activities, mathematics, parenting, preschool, teachers, young students


Post 163

Math is important in Kindergarten (First Grade, Preschool), second only to Reading. It has evolved over the years from sorting, counting and writing the numbers 1-20 to so much more. Now students in Kindergarten are not only counting by 1’s but also by 5’s and 10’s. They are required to recognize 1 – 100 and to correctly form numbers. Graphing, basic estimation, shapes, and patterning are also taught. Add to that concepts such a “in front of,” next to,” “in back of,” and you have a full curriculum.

While most Kindergarten classes have a formal Math program and book, a lot of these concepts are also woven into theme lessons. Concepts such as putting the number of seeds sorted in a science lesson on plants into a bar graph are common. And that’s great! It makes Math more “authentic” in educational terms.

There are also lots of ways you can bolster your little student’s blossoming Math skills at home. Activities you are probably already doing together can be tweaked to emphasize Math. For example, if they help you cook or bake, help them figure out if you need 2 eggs for a recipe and you are doubling it, how many eggs do you need to put in now? (And, if you are brave, let them crack the eggs. Lol) Emphasize 1 to 1 correspondence by having your child line up 10 vehicles and then ask how many action figures they would need to give each vehicle a driver. Ask them to sort out candies by color and shape and then have them to figure another way to sort them. Make a pattern by lining up cereal and ask your child to continue it. Then ask them to start a pattern for you to finish. When they are cleaning up stuffies, put 2 in a pile and then put 3 in a pile next to the firstone. Ask your child to figure out how many there are all together. Have your child “help” you make a grocery list by numbering 1. to 10 on a sheet of paper for you to fill in later. Play the “in front of, next to, in back of” game by challenging them to put dolls in those positions as you rapidly call them out. You can even do that when they help load items into a grocery cart.

These are just a few suggestions. You’ll think of a lot more. The point is Math can easily be included in everyday life. And most 4, 5, and 6 year olds really enjoy it. Plus you are showing them real applications of what they are learning in school. Ad isn’t that the whole point of education?

Take Care. 😀



Post 162

It’s that time of year when we all need a change. Spring is not quite here yet and everyone is tired of the same old routine. Children in school are no different. They are used to the routines there. They are looking for something new. And this may be carrying over to home, too.

So, what to do? In school, teachers try to change things around a bit. I try to incorporate more movement and outdoor activity into lessons. For example, one of our Math lessons at this time of year ties in with our Insect theme. We make paper ladybugs that are shaped so that they “fly” when thrown. We learn about estimation and apply measurement skills by going outside and actually throwing them. The students “guess’ (estimate) how far their bugs will go and release them as a group. We then measure to see which went the farthest, on the straightest path, least far, etc. It’s a lot of fun and a change of pace for little ones who have been cooped up all winter. I also change table buddies by moving students’ seats around. The point is to mix it up.

You can do the same thing at home. For example, if your child is starting to complain about homework try changing how they do it. I’d stick to the same time and place but maybe bring in new writing tools, a different colored highlighter, craft supplies, stickers for work well done, etc. You know what would most “inspire” your little student. It doesn’t have to be anything big…just something to shake things up a bit. This is also a good time to introduce new reading materials. How about getting some copies of an age appropriate magazine if your child has primarily been reading books?

Your child is in the homestretch. It’s hard for them to stay focused but so important that they do. There’s still a lot of learning to do and you can help them do that!

Take Care. 😀



Post 161

Sports tend to be an after school activity but I had a question about them so here goes. (Thanks again, Christine. 🙂 ) We all want our children to be social. We all want them to succeed. We all want them to learn to share and take turns. That’s all part of the early childhood curriculum. And it’s all good. For that reason, a lot of parents introduce some sort of team sport as soon as their child is age ready. They want their child to learn how to be part of a bigger group, have friends outside of a school setting, learn to listen to a coach, and maybe develop some athletic skills. Again, all good.

But, at some point, sports become a bit more serious. Suddenly, if your child doesn’t go to practices a couple of times a week or make a travel team, they are “behind”. There’s also the nagging question of which sports should your child participate in? Should they concentrate on one or try them all? And what if your little one doesn’t want to play soccer, t-ball, basketball, etc. All of these are real dilemmas and don’t just apply to sports but also to dance, gymnastics, etc.

First of all, you know your child best. You know if they would benefit from being part of a team. You know if they are athletic or artistic or intellectual or a combination of all three plus a lot more. So, trust your own good judgement. In my opinion, it is good for most children to be exposed to a team sport. It emphasizes cooperation and listening skills and is just plain fun. It gets them moving around and is a great form of physical exercise. Even if they will never go on to a high school or college level, it’s a great experience for them. For my own children, I tried to expose them to different ones and then let them choose what they wanted to pursue. At some point they had to decide what they really wanted to stay with as there weren’t enough hours in the day to keep up more than one sport per season. That’s one approach.

I would recommend introducing your little one to a sport and see how it goes. If they love it, great. If they don’t, try a different one. (Remember, your child can be a great batter but it still gets “boring” out in left field. Lol.) And if they want to try something more individual like karate or horseback riding those are great choices, too. And if they decide, after being exposed to them, that sports aren’t for them, I think parents need to remember why children start them in the first place…to learn to be part of a group and work together. And that can be done in lots of ways…clubs, playing with friends in the yard, etc. (Of course, if your child loves soccer, baseball, etc. as many do, go for it. 🙂 )

The point is to get your child moving, having fun being part of a group, so they become a well rounded, caring, empathetic person. Trust your instincts and listen to them and they will be.

Take Care. 😀

children, education, homework, Kindergarten


Post 160

I recently received a suggestion for a post discussing how to balance a young child’s academic/social focus. (Thanks Christine!) With so much focus in the adult world on work/life balance, I am calling this school/life balance. 😀

There is a lot of emphasis in education on students being “kindergarten or first grade ready” especially at this time of year. You probably have recently had a conference or report card that tells you if your child is on track for next year’s grade. Is that important? Yes. Should you take it seriously if your little one is lagging academically? Absolutely. But is that the most important thing on the report card at this age? Personally, I don’t think so.

Let me explain. I don’t think you should ignore academics especially reading. If your child is below grade level, talk with their teacher about ways to help at home. But remember your little student is only 4, 5, or 6 years old. So help them in a fun way. You can certainly use flash cards, practice sheets, etc. but make a game out of it. Limit sessions to about 20 minutes give or take. Definitely help your child do homework papers but incorporate rewards for good work and effort. (Stickers are great!) Do things like playing rhyming games (such as “at” words..bat, cat, mat, etc.) in the car when you are heading to and from soccer or some other practice. Emphasize math skills when your child is cleaning up toys by counting them as they get thrown in the bin. The idea is to move your child along but not to burden them.

As far as optional homework, I’d let your little one guide you. Some children love it especially those who see older siblings with it. Others want no part of it. If that’s the case, I would help your child with it once or twice a week. That should be enough to get your little student used to it so that they can handle homework when it is mandatory. If it is required, then it must be done nightly. I would guess it should not take more than 20 minutes or so to do. If it does and your child is rebelling, contact their teacher and see if it can be modified in length. Homework is generally a review of something that has already been taught. Each district has its own policy on whether or not to assign it at the Preschool, Kindergarten, First Grade level. It’s supposed to be fun and build confidence not be a struggle!

I personally think the SEL (social emotional learning) part of the report card is the most important at this age. Has your little student learned how to behave in a classroom? Are they sharing, helping, being kind to others? Can your child maintain themself independently in a classroom setting? That side of the report card is not “fluff” and should be taken seriously.

In the end, look at the entire picture. Both teachers and parents are trying to help students become well prepared academically but also, and maybe more importantly, be as Christine says, “an independent kind child.”

Take Care. 🙂

children, children's fears, children's feelings, First Grade, Kindergarten, parenting, parents, preschool, school, war, war and children, young students

War and Kids

Post 159

I have been thinking about this topic for awhile…debating whether I should bring it up. But given all that is currently happening in Ukraine, I think it is a timely one. Although we try to shield our children from upsetting current events, kids hear snatches of them from TV, adult conversations, and even from other children who repeat things. Just think about Covid and how it affected our students. They had to be told something since they had to wear masks for months!

The biggest advice I can give is to let your child lead the conversation. You know how much information your child can handle and are the best judge of what to tell them. In school, most of the time, children are occupied with academics so it doesn’t tend to come up. If it does, I try to answer questions honestly but make sure the child realizes that these things are happening far away. (Years ago, when the World Trade Center was bombed, one of my students drew a picture of a plane flying into a tower in his journal. We talked about it privately. He had seen coverage on TV but really had no idea that it was real. To that particular student, it was like an action cartoon. So I answered what he asked but didn’t go any further. It wasn’t necessary.) With children, I have found, what they ask is what they want to know…no more and no less. There is the famous joke about the child who asked where he came from and when the parent started going into the ‘birds and the bees”, the child said, “No, I meant where was I born!” That tells it all! And that’s what I mean by letting your child “lead”. Answer honestly in as much detail as you feel your little one needs to know and then stop. Let them decide if they have enough information or want you to elaborate. Most likely they will process what you have told them and come back later with any other questions.

As I mentioned, this is a touchy subject. But trust your instincts. You know your child best and will know what to say if/when the time comes.

Take Care. 😀

children, children's feelings, education, empathetic children, First Grade, friends, friendship, Kindergarten, parenting, parents, playtime, preschool, school, teachers, unkind children, unkind words, young students


Post 158

By now the children are used to school. They know routines and what is expected of them. And, hopefully, they are enjoying it and have made friends with various classmates. But sometimes that can spell trouble, too. At this point, everybody knows each other pretty well. They each have particular friends to play with. And that’s fine…up to a point. Usually this is the time of year that someone’s feelings get hurt when they are excluded from a play center or game. And this is the time of year that I hear that ultimate threat when classmates are arguing, “You aren’t invited to my birthday party.” To adults, that seems pretty harmless, but to a 5 year old, it is devastating.

So, what to do? As a teacher I have a motto that the class learns all year long…”You can be better friends with certain people but you have to be nice to everyone.” We repeat it daily and I have even heard one child say it to another. When our Class Bear, Muffin, (a cute furry puppet) has a problem, the children solve it by telling him that. So, if your little one is the excluder, you might try having them repeat that and then brainstorm ways to be nice to other classmates. If your child is the one excluded, that’s harder. Try to help them remember who they like to play with in school and all the fun they have with them. You can remind them that those are their “better friends”.

As a final thought, I have found that adults remember these slights while children move on. Often two classmates who were arguing the day before are best friends the next day. And isn’t that the way it should be?

Take Care. 😀


Happy March!

Post 157

It’s hard to believe it but your little student is almost 2/3 of the way through the school year! Think back to all the worries you had for them in August/September and look where your child is now. Amazing, isn’t it? So much growth has taken place.

And as we start a new month you can look forward to more progress for your child in school. March is when we usually see a lot of it academically. It is the time when all the sight word drills, phonics lessons, letter sounds practice, etc. come together and students click with reading. The same is true for Math. It’s the month that it all seems to make sense. The class, in general, sails through lessons and jumps to higher reading groups. They know the routines and enjoy learning. It’s very exciting and so much fun. All their hard work is paying off. 😀

Of course, it happens at a different rate for each child. But each one does seem to make some growth during this month. And that makes them so proud and excited to keep moving forward.

So how can you help foster this at home? Maybe give them a little more responsibility that uses their emerging skills. I don’t mean in the form of sitting down and “practicing” but working it into daily life. Let them write down items you need from the store for you. When you read together, have them read a page and you read a page. If that’s too much, let you little one read the high frequency words while you read the rest. When they are invited to a party, let them pick out a birthday card and sign it. If you are cooking together, help them to figure out that if 3 teaspoons are in a tablespoon, you need 6 teaspoons for 2 tablespoons. Let them count loose change and figure out how much money is there thus reinforcing recognition of coins.Sound out the names of various stores when you are driving together. Make these learning situations real and not made up. It’s called “authentic learning” and children can immediately tell the difference between that and busy work.

And keep up those routines you have established. If your child does homework at a certain time and place, let them be responsible for getting the pencil, crayons, etc. needed. Simple things like putting their own toothpaste on their toothbrush help to foster their new found independence. And if you are already doing all this then congratulate yourself and your child and keep it up. You are both doing great! Especially during this crazy time in our world, we need things to rejoice over. And what is better than celebrating your child’s achievements?

Take Care. 🙂

children, education, First Grade, Kindergarten, parenting, parents, preschool, Progress Reports, report cards, school, school testing, teachers, testing

Report Cards

Post 156

Report cards should be coming out soon or they already have. They are meant to tell you how your child is doing academically and socially in school. And the first thing to do is to read them! I know that sounds pretty basic but I have had parents tell me at the end of the school year that they never looked at their child’s card. That’s something I find unbelievable. Teachers spend a lot of time and thought on them. We gauge each child’s progress so families will know if there is a problem anywhere. If there is, the idea is to take care of it now and not wait until the end of the school year and panic. They are also meant to let you know if your little student is on track or even above average in some areas. So, please, check out your child’s report card online or pull it out of the backpack. It’s important information. 😀

If there is a place where a grade is “below average”, check with the teacher on what exactly that means and how to help your child. You are not being a “pain”. Educators truly welcome concerned inquiries. We are here to help all students and to work together with you to have your particular student succeed. We are in this together. Your child’s teacher really knows them by now and will have specific ways to move your son/daughter along. So email or set up a conference.

If your little one is above average in some areas that’s great! Relish the fact that they have excelled and tell them how proud you are. Keep up whatever you are doing to support your little learner at home. Obviously, it’s working!😀

Most students are in the “at grade level” range. And that’s terrific.It means your student is right where they should be. Everything is going well and they are moving along as expected. I know that can sometimes seem a little flat. But a lot of effort goes into being “at grade level”. It’s not easy to achieve so, again, let your student know how proud you are of them and keep on doing whatever you can to support them.

And please really look at the social development side of your child’s report card. Think back to September and the concerns you had about your child starting school…would they make friends, feel comfortable in a classroom, listen to the teacher, be able to sit still, etc. So much growth has taken place since then. By now they should be sharing, thinking of others, listening, contributing to class discussions, etc. That’s all so important. It’s the base for your child’s whole time in school. Again, bring up any concerns with the teacher, but if there is an “above grade level” or its equivalent there, be really proud. Your little one is doing just fine!😀

Take Care.😀

  • Any thoughts or questions about a specific grade? Please post in the comments. Thanks.:)


Post 155

Last week was all about reading and how you could help your child with it at home. The other big part of literacy in Kindergarten (Preschool, First Grade) is writing. Your little student probably has a journal among other things they write in at school. Quite often this involves a picture and a sentence or two about it. It ties in with reading…”words and pictures go together”. Some teachers prefer students write and then draw or vice versa. The point is that good writers become writers by writing. So, when your child is writing at home, don’t be in a rush to correct them. Let them get it down on paper. If you are asked for help then certainly help with sounding out words or spelling sight words. But a lot of children get stymied trying to make things perfect as they go along. Just get it down on paper first. Then as your child becomes more proficient, editing can take place. That’s a big part of writing in the higher grades.

At what level should your child be writing right now? In Kindergarten, at this time of year, your child should be starting to write a sentence or at least groupings of words that describe the picture. Words should have beginning and ending sounds. Vowels may come a little later depending on when they are introduced in the curriculum. Kindergarteners have been taught that periods are stop signs at the end of a sentence. They have also learned that “finger spaces” (the width of their pointer finger) go between words and that sentences start with a capital (uppercase) letter. These should be showing up in their writing. They are important to remind your child about when you go over their writing at home.

Of course, there are lots of other ways to reinforce writing skills. Shopping lists, cards, notes, invitations to birthday parties, etc. are just a few. Try to involve your little student in as many as possible. Not only are you giving practice in writing but you are showing them WHY they are learning to write. And that’s just as important as learning when to capitalize!

Take Care. 😀

children, First Grade, Kindergarten, kindergarten reading, Literacy, parenting, parents, preschool, reading, school, teachers

Reading Help

Post 154

Literacy is an important part of the Preschool, Kindergarten, First Grade curriculum. In fact, I would venture to say that it is what your child spends most of their time on in school with Math a close second. Literacy in Kindergarten includes read alouds (when the teacher reads), shared reading (teacher and student(s) read taking turns, independent reading, word work, and sight words. And that list is by no means complete. So, it’s safe to say students are “immersed in. literacy” all day. (And that is a very good thing!)

So how can you reinforce literacy skills when you are reading with your little one at home? One of the first strategies we teach students is to look at the illustration because “words and pictures go together”. I had one parent who told me he covered up the picture on the page because it was “cheating’. Lol. The illustration is there to reinforce and enhance whatever the words are saying. It gives clues about it. So look at it! 🙂

Next, if your child is at a beginning reading level, have them put their finger under the words. This helps their eyes to focus on each word. Of course, if they are at a higher reading level (C or D), the idea is to start using their eyes to track the words.

Most of us help children “sound out” unknown words which is great. But another strategy to use is to skip an unknown word, read to the end of the sentence, and then go back and figure out what would “make sense” using the first letter sound and picture clues. Both sounding out and skipping words can be used together.

Another thing I do is to have a student reread a page they struggled with. This helps with fluency and understanding. It also builds confidence as the child realizes they CAN do it.

These are suggestions that I use in school during Guided Reading time with my students. Hopefully, one or more of them will aid you in helping your little one become a more confident fluid reader. And isn’t that what we are all aiming for?

Take care. 🙂

children, education, First Grade, independence in Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Kindergarten activities, kindergarten books, new school year, parenting, parents, preschool, responsibility in children, school, teachers, young students

Winter Self Help

Post 153

The new year usually inspires resolutions to improve ourselves. It’s a time of new beginnings or at least a recharging of old ones. In Kindergarten, educators try to help their students become more independent academically and socially. And that includes some very tangible goals. 😀

Where I live and teach we are in the grip of winter. Students are coming to school in full winter gear. That includes mittens, gloves, boots, jackets, etc. Speaking with my teacher friends, one of the best self help lessons you can work on with your child is how to manage all of that! Picture a class of 23 students all unzipping coats, changing out of boots into sneakers, and trying to find lost mittens. That gives you some idea of morning arrival and afternoon dismissal in Kindergarten! Add to that a few tears when scarves can’t be undone or gloves are lost. Talk about stress! Lol. Stress for both teacher and children.

The best thing you can do is to make sure your child knows how to zip and unzip their coat. Practice that along with changing out of snow boots. Another biggie is learning how to store mittens/gloves in jacket pockets. Sounds easy but it isn’t. 😀 And then there is the old standby…tying shoes. At this point your little one should be able to master it. (If you get really desperate there are lots of books on the subject along with some really cute videos. There’s even a step by step “bunny ears” method in pictures. Just google “how to tie your shoes”.)

These all sound pretty easy and they are when there is only one child to worry about. But when it’s a class of students and they are trying to make it to the buses on time it can become chaotic. (Not to mention Covid masks and restrictions which we are all adhering to.) Also teachers have to leave a good amount of time to get everyone ready which takes it away from academic learning. So help your child learn these skills. Both your student and their teacher will thank you for it!

Take Care. 🙂


January Calm

Post 152

Happy New Year! Hopefully you and your little one had a fun and happy holiday. 😀 I have always loved January in school. It is a relatively calm time after the (good) craziness of December. Between now and March a lot of academic growth takes place. The students are used to school and routines, they have friends, and are at the point of pulling together what they have learned so far to move ahead. Of course, this year, just like the last two in Kindergarten, has the element of uncertainty as districts and parents try to deal with the Omicron variant. (Talk about a disruption!)

I still think that educators and caretakers should build on that calm. We are living in very strange times but some things never change. Children reflect back the emotions of those around them.So if we can focus on the calmness of January, they will, too. In the classroom, we are moving ahead with our sight words, guided reading, and math lessons by building on what has already been learned. We are focusing on themes of snow, mittens, and winter animals. And we are following the routines set up in September. This helps to promote the calm we are all looking for.

The same can be done at home. Go back to your child’s routines for after school, homework, bedtime, etc. Let’s face it, even though we all tried to maintain them during December, they took second place to the festivities of the season (as well they should.) But now is a good time to get back in the groove and reestablish them. They help to give your little student the structure they need and crave to succeed. And isn’t that what we all want?

Take Care. 🙂

children, Christmas, Christmas presents, education, Hanukkah, holidays, Kindergarten, Kindergarten activities, Kindergarten extracurricular activities, Kwanzaa, parents, school


Post 151

This is the season of giving. It’s all about thinking of others and trying to give what will bring joy to them. We all do it and when it is done well, there’s nothing like it. Kindergarteners (First Graders, Preschoolers) are some of the most generous of people so let your little one get in on the fun. They love to surprise family and friends with pictures, cards, and other handmade creations so why not put that to use right now? Help your child make a list of people they’d like to gift presents to, set them up with paper, glue, holiday stickers, (maybe even some glitter if you are brave ) and watch them go to town. In the midst of asking Santa for what they want, it’s good to balance that with doing for others. And “others” can be everyone from family to neighbors to the family pet. Let your little one lead the way on that. (I know of one little girl who befriended the next door neighbor through his dogs. Everyone else sort of ignored him but she didn’t. Now he, and his dogs, are some of her best friends. Perfect candidates for handmade Christmas gifts!)

If your child is not into crafts and you can spare the time, how about taking your child shopping someplace like a Dollar Store to look for presents for others? Let them decide on gifts themselves with only a little guidance if possible. One of the best gifts I ever got from a student was a Christmas pin with one of the rhinestones missing that I knew she had picked out herself. Another good place for children to “shop” is if their school has a special Holiday Boutique for students. Prices are low and the helpers try to make sure students get for everyone on their list.

And, of course, if there is a place you volunteer at that you can take your child to help is perfect to learn how giving is better than receiving. I try to emphasize in the classroom that “the feeling you get inside from doing for others is even better than when you get something.” And 4, 5, and 6 year olds are so open to that. It is really beautiful to see all of this through their eyes!

However you do it, try to let your little one have fun giving gifts to loved ones. As they say, and it’s true, “It’s not the gift but the thought that counts”.

Take Care. 🙂

children, Christmas, education, First Grade, Hanukkah, holidays, Kindergarten, Kwanzaa, parenting, parents, preschool, teachers, young students

Holiday Stress (Part 2)

Post 150

Last week I posted about the stress of this time of year and how it may affect your little student. Even though it truly is a wonderful time of year sometimes it can be an overwhelming time of year, too! So how can you help your child to enjoy it all but not burn out?

The first thing I would suggest is to try to stick to their daily routine as much as possible. I do this in my classroom. We still have reading groups, math, circle time, etc. at the regular times each day. I have found that structure gives my students a sense of security and the same is true at home. Attempt to keep to the same bedtime, after school homework time, playtime, dinner, etc. that you have been keeping all year. Of course, there will be some bumps along the way but do your best.

The other thing I would recommend is to help your little one use their new found academic skills in a holiday way. That could be things such as drawing pictures and writing words/sentences on them to send to relatives, writing their own letters to Santa and using those math skills to number any and all requests for presents. 🙂 Maybe your son/daughter could help with holiday baking by counting out the number of eggs, cups of milk, etc. in a recipe. They could also practice one to one correspondence by figuring out one present to give/make for each person on their list. Any and all of these tings helps your child feel involved while providing a structure to their day. And that leads to security and calm.

Of course, it really is a fun time of year. So try to take the time from your endless list of things to do and enjoy it with your little one. We are so lucky to be able to see it through a 4, 5, or 6 year old’s eyes. And isn’t that what it’s all about?

Take Care. 😀

  • Got a good way to involve your child in the season? Please post it in the comments. 😀

children, Christmas, education, Hanukkah, holidays, Kindergarten, Kwanzaa, parents, teachers

Holiday Stress

Post 149

Hanukkah has begun which means Christmas and Kwanzaa aren’t far behind. It’s a wonderful season full of excitement and anticipation. And, for the most part, children love and enjoy this time of year. It’s so much fun!

But don’t be surprised if sometime this month your five (four, six) year old suddenly becomes grumpy. How can that be? The holidays are mainly about them, right? And what to do about it?

First of all, know that your child’s behavior is totally normal. There is a lot going on this year. we all feel the stress of trying to do everything and your little one reflects that.

The same is true in the classroom. There are so many holiday related things I want to do with my students. It’s all so much fun and worth the time. But at some point I have to pick and choose. What’s most important and what will the class get the most out of? The same is true at home. There are so many holiday parades, light shows, visits with Santa, shopping, wrapping, cards, baking, etc.,etc. to do and go to that it gets overwhelming to try to do it all. So don’t! Pick a few of the activities that are most important and meaningful to you and your child, enjoy them, and let the rest go. You can always add something in if you have the time. The idea is to enjoy this holiday season not to do everything. And the thing your child will enjoy most is spending time with you whether it is at a parade or measuring flour for cookies.

So relish the beginning of this joyous time with your son/daughter. Let them be involved at a pace you can all enjoy.

Take Care and Happy Holidays!😀

children, children's feelings, children's moods, education, First Grade, homeschooling, Kindergarten, parenting, parents, preschool, school, young students

“Crisis Management”

Post 148

By now your child should be pretty much used to school. Life is rolling along. Routines and friendships are set and everyone is looking forward to the holidays. It’s all great until one day, suddenly, your child has a tantrum because his/her hair “looks funny”. Or maybe he/she doesn’t want to get on the bus because another student commented on his/her backpack. Or the problem is that your little one got moved to another table in class and “doesn’t have any friends’ there. Whatever the difficulty is, it’s there and it’s worrying your son/daughter.

As adults, it’s very easy to shrug off these concerns as being minor. Compared to what we are dealing with, they are. Grownups know these troubles will go away and children will forget them. But at the moment, they are very real to your child. Your little one’s reaction…crying, yelling, stubbornness may seem all out of proportion to what is going on. But with children, what you see is what you get. As we grow older, we learn to hide our feelings. We mask intense responses because society expects that. Children have no such restraint. If a little one is upset, you know it…loudly! There are no filters put on young children’s feelings. And until his/her problem is solved, you are going to hear about it.

The point here is to realize that young students’ worries are very real to them. Remember that when your son/daughter is upset. Whatever it is may seem minor to you but it is a major crisis to him/her. Try to be understanding and help him/her as best you can. Be glad it’s something that you can fix relatively easily. And don’t be upset if your child’s reaction seems all out of proportion with whatever he/she is worried about. Remember…there are no filters yet. At least you know what is going on and can help. And that’s a very good thing!

Take Care. 😀

children, education, First Grade, Kindergarten, Kindergarten testing, parents, preschool, report cards, school testing, school tests, teachers, testing


Post 147

Testing in the primary grades? Is that even a thing? Yes. It is. Children in Kindergarten are taught how to “bubble”. And how to only bubble in one circle per line. (I have had students who want to fill them all in. They feel sorry for the “ones left out”. Lol.) There’s a joke that Kindergarten children should only have to deal with the kind of bubbles that come in jars. I have to say I agree with that!

There are different kinds of testing in school. Teacher-made tests which are those your child’s teacher and/or those on the grade level have designed to see how student learning is going. There may be evaluations that the district has implemented based on state standards and/or the companies that provide their curriculum. Most teachers use the results to “drive their teaching”. They help show where students are weak or strong. (There’s a saying that when one student does poorly on a test, it’s the student’s fault but when a class does poorly, it’s the teacher’s fault.) Most teachers on the PreK, Kindergarten, and First Grade levels know their students well and base their grading for report cards on classroom evaluations.

Then there is standardized testing. Lots of schools use some variation of it. They need to provide scores to the state for different reasons. Most of these tests are timed. Teachers try to make them as unintimidating as possible for their students but children can tell this is something different than usual.

At this age there are so many factors that can throw off scores…where the test is given, how much time is allowed for each response, if it is a one on one or a whole class situation, time of day, etc. (I had one little girl, a really great student, who kept daydreaming looking out the window because it was Springtime. I’m sure her grade didn’t reflect her abilities!)

The point is if your child gets a grade on his/her report card or on a standardized test printout that you are concerned about, first contact his/her teacher for clarification. If it is the first timed test your little one has taken, there are a lot of factors that are in play besides what your child has learned. Definitely see if there are things you can do to reinforce your son/daughter’s learning but don’t get overly concerned. Most likely as your child gets used to taking those tests his/her scores will improve. And some children are simply not test takers. Their scores on tests are not a reflection of their intelligence or what they have learned. If the testing is teacher-made, again, ask. If there is an educational problem, better to catch it now and correct it rather than let it go until half the school year is over.

Testing is not nor should be the main focus of your child’s school year. Acclimation to school, social skills, and emotional growth are just as important as grades. And the important grades should be the ones that are based on classroom performance.

Take Care. 😀

children, education, First Grade, Kindergarten, parent teacher conferences, parenting, parents, preschool, Progress Reports, report cards, school, teachers


Post 146

Conferences in your child’s school should be coming up. This is when you have an assigned time to meet with the teacher to discuss your child’s progress both academically and socially.

A lot of parents of first time students are worried that they will be “those parents’ if they ask questions when meeting with their child’s teacher. Don’t be! No teacher is ever upset with parents who are legitimately concerned with their little one’s progress. That’s what we are there for…to help children learn and grow in school.

Of course, don’t present your questions in a hostile manner. Make your tone more how can we help our child at home to get the most from his/her in-school experience rather than an accusatory one. You can certainly ask questions about how your child is learning and how certain subjects are taught. I would encourage you to ask questions about anything that is worrying you about your child’s education.

My suggestion is that you bring a list of concerns. Listen to what your son’s/daughter’s teacher has to say first. Many of those questions will probably be answered. Then bring up anything that is still on your mind. For example, if you know your little student needs a push to feel confident enough to attempt something new, tell the teacher. School works best when it is a partnership between parents (caretakers) and teachers (and sometimes administrators) to help students get the most out of it. You know your child best and teachers appreciate a heads up.

If you run out of time ask to set up a meeting or phone call with your little one’s teacher in the next few days to continue to talk further about your child. Most conferences are scheduled one after the other and don’t always leave time for the type of in depth conversation you’d like to have if you have academic or social concerns. Again, no one will think you are a pain. This is all part of getting to know a student and providing him/her with the best possible education.

All of this applies to social as well as academic concerns. Either way, try to leave with a plan in place to move your child along. Possibly set up a way to check in with the teacher on how your little one is doing so things can be fine tuned if necessary.

This is the time to make sure things are on track in school. Don’t leave it until later in the year . By then it may be too late to catch up. Again, no one will be put out by questions from concerned parents. Conferences are meant to be a time of collaboration between home and school. We all want the same thing for your child…a happy and productive school year.😀

Take Care.

children, children's fears, children's feelings, education, how to play, Kindergarten, parenting, parents, play, playtime, preschool

How To Play

Post 145

A number of my colleagues and I have noticed a trend among the students in our classes. Many of these “pandemic children” don’t know how to play. When you think about it, that makes sense. At around the ages of 3 – 4 children are just learning to be social. The pandemic and forced isolation hit just when students who are now in Kindergarten and Preschool (and some First Graders) were that age. Their playdates and social interactions were, for the most part, online if there were any. So now, finally, in a classroom situation, some students don’t know how to interact with friends who are actually there. Sad but true!

Of course, this is not all students. A lot are fine and make friends in that instinctive way children have. But how can you help your little one if he/she is having trouble doing so? Telling your son/daughter to “make a friend” is a bit ambiguous. Children often need things modeled for them. As teachers, we do that all the time. You do at home, too. Think about showing your child how to set the table or throw a baseball. You do it first, “model” it, and then your youngster tries it. The same strategy can be used in helping your child make a friend.

The following is a list of ideas to give your little one that I have found may help students to make friends and play together:

  • Wear a smile. So often a student who’s worried about who to play with frowns. That makes other children stay away from him/her.
  • Share something with another student. That’s hard in these times with the pandemic still going on. But it can be done by holding something up for another student to see or outside at recess.
  • Play what someone else wants to play. Another person’s ideas might be fun and children can get to know each other that way.
  • If a student is overwhelmed by the number of children in class, tell him/her to choose one child who looks like fun to play with. You might even encourage looking for a child who’s also not playing with anyone to approach.
  • Help another child clean up. Working together is a great conversation starter.
  • Talk to someone who cares about you. A mom, dad, sister, brother, caretaker, etc. knows you and would have ideas based on his/her experiences in school.
  • Schedule a playdate for your child online or outside at some place neutral like a playground. Children who meet beforehand tend to get together in school.

These are just a few suggestions. I hope they help!😀

Take Care.

** If you have other suggestions on helping children make friends, please put them in the comments. 🙂

children, education, extracurricular activities, First Grade, Halloween, holidays, Kindergarten, Kindergarten extracurricular activities, parenting, parents, preschool, school, young students


Post 144

Halloween is only a few weeks away as I am sure you are aware. Your little one has probably been talking about what costume he/she will wear since last year! It’s such an exciting time for children especially since Covid 19 cancelled most celebrations and trick or treating last year. And it’s usually the first celebration of the school year.

If your child is in Preschool or Kindergarten, everything will be new and exciting. His/her teacher will let you know how the class will be celebrating. In my school this involves some sort of costume parade and party. Each school is different. But it is all fun.

A word to the wise about costumes. Please don’t send in weapons even if your little ninja REALLY wants to bring them. Picture a classroom full of students with them and you’ll understand. 😀 Also, if your son/daughter is wearing his/her costume to school, I would recommend he/she wear play clothes under it. Make sure it’s easy to take off unless it’s okay with you (and the teacher) for it to be worn all day. And if the costume is something you treasure, that you want to keep for some reason, consider sending your child in another one that it doesn’t matter what happens to. We do our best but accidents happen and red marker on a Disney princess costume is hard to get out. Lol.

A question I often get is how many events should a student attend? That’s obviously up to you. But don’t feel pressured to have your little one go to everything the school offers. Parents worry that their child will be left out of groups on Monday if he/she doesn’t go to something after school on Friday. From what I have seen, children live very much in the moment. They are caught up in what is going on right now. What went on yesterday is history. Definitely have your little student participate in classroom festivities but don’t feel pressured to have him/her attend every other social event the school sponsors after hours. Go to the ones you can and don’t feel guilty about those you can’t.

I hope you and your child have a wonderful Halloween! 🎃

Take Care.

children, education, First Grade, Kindergarten, parenting, parents, preschool, school, teachers, young students


Post 143

Last week we discussed how students regress after time out of school whether it’s for a holiday, illness, or whatever. I mentioned talking to your child’s teacher if it persisted. That’s what I’d like to focus on today…”talking” to the teacher.

So many parents/caregivers, especially those new to the school system, are hesitant to contact a teacher. They don’t want to be “that parent” who seems to always be complaining. They don’t want to be perceived as constantly demanding attention for their child. And there certainly are those parents. Educators can quickly sense when that is the motivation for calls, emails, or letters.

Honestly, no teacher is upset with a parent who is truly concerned about a student. We welcome the input. It helps us understand your child and be better able to help him/her in the classroom and thus be better able to teach him/her. And that’s the whole point, isn’t it?

There are usually two areas of concern. The first is social/emotional well being. I make it a point to tell parents at Open School Night that if there is something going on at home that is affecting their child, to please let me know. They don’t have to go into detail and anything they share will be kept confidential but It helps me be able to provide support to their son/daughter in school. That may be extra attention, backing off if a child gets upset, or some other action. If their concern is about something happening in the classroom, usually there are other parents worried about the same thing. By contacting me they help me be aware of a problem and deal with it before it gets out of hand. (They say teachers have “eyes in the back of their heads” but we don’t always see everything! Lol)

The other worry is usually about academics. I can’t tell you how much we welcome those concerns! Teachers love to teach. That’s why we got into education. 😀 And when a parent contacts us to discuss their child’s progress and possibly how to help him/her, we are there 100%. I have had parents who never looked at a report card all year. One even told me, ” I knew you would contact me if anything were really wrong.” (I couldn’t believe it. All that work put into report cards and they never looked at it?!) So, believe me, when a parent/caretaker wants to find out if his/her child is where he/she should be in reading or what can be done to improve number counting or some other curriculum related concern, most teachers are more than happy to share ideas to help.

Of course, when contacting your little student’s teacher, please do so respectfully. Phrase your concern in a way that does not blame but looks for solutions. Because, in the end, school is a partnership between parents and teachers. We all want your child to learn and grow this year in a positive, happy atmosphere. That’s what it’s all about!

Take Care. 🙂

children, education, First Grade, Kindergarten, new school year, parenting, parents, preschool, regression in kindergarten, school, school readiness, teachers


Post 142

Your little student has been in school for a few weeks now. Things seem to be moving along. Routines have been set, (some) work has been coming home, a couple of friends have been made, bus schedules, lunches and snacks are working out…in other words, everyone seems to be settling into this school thing nicely. Then suddenly your child throws you a curve ball. He/she unexpectedly develops a stomach ache in class and has to come home. Or your son/daughter starts complaining how school is too long and he/she doesn’t want to go any more. What happened?

Nothing has happened. All of this is totally normal. And it is totally understandable. Going to a full day of school is hard after a relatively unstructured summer. Especially after a weekend or a day off, children tend to regress a bit. Think about your work. After time off, it’s hard for you to get back to it. Children are the same.

So, what to do if your son/daughter acts this way? Try to remain steady and calm. Remind him/her of all the good things that he/she likes about school…friends, toys, books read, pictures made, playtime, etc. Stick to your established routine. If your child takes the bus, get him/her on it. If you walk to school at a certain time, stick to it. This isn’t the time to change any of that. It will only prolong the problem. If your son/daughter seems to need a boost maybe put a note or special snack in his/her lunchbox. Or possibly give him/her something small to keep in his/her pocket to hold and remember how much you love him/her when he/she feels nervous. If things continue let your child’s teacher know. That way your child can get some extra support in the classroom. (Of course, if stomach aches or something physical continues, a doctor’s visit is a good idea, just to rule out anything physical in this time of Covid and its variants.)

Of course, not all children react this way. But it is more common than not. So don’t get upset if it does happen. Realize it is all part of school and soon your son/daughter will return to his/her normal happy self.😀

Take Care.

children, children's fears, children's feelings, education, Kindergarten, parenting, parents, preschool, school, young students

Children’s Worries

Post 141

Does your child come home with lots of news about school? Or is he/she the type that you have to pull information out of? Hopefully, by this time, you have at least an idea of what goes on during your son’s/daughter’s day.

My own children had a wise teacher who used to say (at Parent/Teacher Night), “I’ll believe half of what they tell me about you if you’ll believe half of what they tell you about me”. And that is so true! Students tell us things that I’m sure parents would cringe at if they knew…”My mom takes happy pills to feel better” (Advil), “Daddy is sleeping with somebody else” (dog on the bed), etc. Educators know to believe “half” of it.

The same is true for you. Your little one may come home saying that the Gym teacher “yelled” at the class or that his/her seat was moved and he/she doesn’t know why. Investigate further! Usually it’s as simple as the fact that Gym takes place in an auditorium and the teacher has to use a loud voice to be heard in that big a space or that seats are frequently moved around so that children become friends with all the students in a class. It’s often not as upsetting as it first sounds.

Of course, if you are worried that a problem really exists, contact your little one’s teacher. No one is going to hold it against you. We welcome communication from parents who are truly concerned about their child. And often, if you are uneasy about something, other parents are, too. Our goal is to work with you to make this the best year for all the students in our class. And we need to communicate back and forth for that. 😀

Just remember…believe half of what you hear!👍

Take Care.



Post 140

Your child has been in school for at least a few days now. Things seem to be settling down. Hopefully, those first day jitters (for both of you😀) are subsiding and routines are being established. That’s great! You are exactly where you should be and all is well.

So, sometime this week your son/daughter may “mention” that he/she sat with the teacher and “played some games”. Right about now teachers are starting to evaluate their students academically. We see where the class is overall. That drives our instruction. I always tell my students we are “playing games”. And, actually, it is fun. Teachers really get to know each student better by spending some one on one time with them. And, of course, we are checking where each child is in order to set up reading groups.

That’s where a lot of parents worry that their little one isn’t where he/she should be, especially in Reading. Relax…teachers expect children to be at different levels. For first graders that’s especially true after all of the online instruction last year. Added is the fact that most students fall back at least one level over the summer break. For kindergarteners, reading levels range from maybe knowing some of the letter names to reading simple books. Educators know all that and plan whole class instruction to introduce and reinforce concepts while individualizing teaching in small groups. That’s what we are trained for and love to do. It’s our “super power”. 😀

The point is don’t worry if your son/daughter sits with his/her teacher for a bit. It’s not disciplinary (unless you are contacted…a whole different story, lol). It’s all part of the beginning school year.

Take Care.

*If there is any topic you would like discussed, please type it in the comments. If it is on your mind, chances are it is on other parents’ minds, too. I would love to hear from you.

children, education, First Grade, Kindergarten, new school year, parenting, parents, preschool, school, teachers, young students


Post 139

School has started or will in the next day or two. Your Kindergartener (First Grader, Preschooler) will be getting on the bus with a minimum of tears and you both will be getting used to a somewhat normal routine. Hopefully Covid won’t be as interfering as last year. Masks may need to be worn and seats in school will need to be a certain distance apart but at least children are in a physical classroom and not online.

These first few weeks of school are ones I like to call classroom management weeks. 😀 This is the time teachers set up routines for students to follow all year. It includes an overall daily plan so children know what to expect when. We also cover basics such as bathroom and lunch routines, how to walk to special area classes, what to do during a fire drill or intruder alert, how to get on and off the buses, how to ask a question, and so on. These routines give structure to the school day and help our classes feel secure in knowing what to do and what is expected of them.

The same is true at home. Now is the time to set up the routines that will make this school year go smoothly. Start with the morning. Decide on a wakeup time that will allow your son/daughter to be relaxed when getting ready, eating breakfast, and going to the bus stop. That starts the day well. When he/she arrives home after school, have a routine for eating a snack and doing any homework. And, most importantly, try to have a regular time for your little one to prepare for bed and sleep. Of course, things change and your best plans sometimes don’t work. But try to get back to your child’s normal schedule as soon as you can when that happens.

Starting and keeping a schedule now will help make this year a happier one. I have found that students in my class feel more secure when they know what to expect each day. The same applies at home. And if you start now, when your child is in Kindergarten, these routines will be so ingrained that they will carry over into his/her later school years . They will just be a part of life. And that’s a good thing. 😀

Take Care.

children, children's fears, children's feelings, education, First Grade, Kindergarten, new school year, parenting, parents, preschool, school, school readiness, teachers, young students

Welcome To School

Post 138

The first day of Kindergarten (or First Grade or Preschool) is either today or soon depending on your district. It’s so exciting! There are new clothes to be worn, pictures to be taken, bus lines to stand on…and then your little one is gone. Off to the exciting world of school. Suddenly there is a hole where you didn’t know there could be one. Yes, he/she will be back this afternoon but what about now? It has been my experience that even if your child is upset leaving you, he/she won’t remember it in a few years but you will never forget it. And that’s ok. It’s totally normal. So, if you are missing your son/daughter right now, remember, he/she is coming home to you. You haven’t lost him/her. It’s just a first venturing out into the wider world beyond home.

Chances are your child might have been a bit upset getting on the bus…I promise you no school or teacher will let a student cry for the whole day! Usually tears last about 5 minutes and then they are over. Kindergarten teachers are very skilled at distraction and making the day fun for their students. We are used to this and know what to do. And if your child couldn’t wait to get to his/her class…celebrate! He/she is off to a great start. 👍

But however your son/daughter left this morning (or will leave in the next week, depending when school opens) expect him/her to be VERY tired when he/she comes home. Expect some crankiness, too. Children try very hard to be good listeners and hold everything in when they are in school. So where do they let it all out? At home! And that’s totally normal, too. This tiredness will probably last a few weeks until your little one gets used to the routine of going to school. Try to be a little more patient and keep to dinner and bedtime routines. It won’t last forever and has no bearing on how your child is doing in school. Soon your son/daughter will be back to his/her normal cheery self.😀

Take Care and good luck this week (or next)!

children, children's feelings, coronavirus homeschool, education, First Grade, Kindergarten, new school year, parenting, parents, preschool, school, school readiness, teachers, young students


Post 137

August seems a bit early to be posting about “Back To School”. But, for most of us, this is the year students begin school before Labor Day. And when school ended, we had all hoped that Covid 19 and all its variants would be just about gone by now. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Administrators and teachers are dealing with the best way to open and keep children and staff safe. Whether or not you agree with your school’s policies, please try to discuss your feelings away from your child’s hearing. Teach your little one to make the best of it. Let him/her tell you his/her worries but stay positive. Your attitude will determine your child’s. Thankfully, most five year olds are not too bothered by masks and hand washing. They are more concerned with whether or not their friends will be in their class and where they will sit. Although these fears seem small compared to the pandemic, they are very real to your son/daughter. Give him/her the support you would in any year. In the end, he/she will be fine. (No teacher is going to let a child cry all day without calling you!) Even the most upset student calms down and participates after a few minutes. (The kids usually do better than the parents on the first day of school. 😀)

Also, please do not get overly stressed by the supply list you have probably received by now. If you can’t find everything on it, relax. Supplies can be sent in at any time. Usually there is a drop off day the week before, often when your child goes to visit his/her classroom. If not, send the supplies in a few at a time during the first week. No one is going to penalize a little one for not having the correct pencils, I promise!

So, good luck to both you and your Kindergartener (Preschooler, First Grader) next week. Get him/her to bed at a decent hour the night before, try to have him/her eat a good breakfast, put on those new clothes, and get on the bus. And remember to smile!

Take Care. 😀


Happy Summer

Post 136

Happy Summer! Well, technically it’s not summer yet but since most schools are winding down, this will be my last post for the year.

This school year has been anything but normal. Schools, teachers, and students have had to adapt in ways that no one ever expected. All of us have been faced with obstacles that no one ever thought of when planning a Kindergarten curriculum. And everyone has been worried that all students, especially our littlest ones, would fall far behind.

But children are resilient and they have shown it over and over this year. From wearing masks when at school in person to becoming experts on Zoom, they have learned and adapted in ways we never thought possible. They have gained a lot this year in independence and are ready for First Grade.

But they (and you) are also ready for a rest. So, enjoy this schedule-free time with your child. But please keep reading, too. As I mentioned last week, most boys/girls tend to drop back a level over vacation. Please find a way to keep your little one reading where he/she is right now whether that is through the library, online, with you, or a combination of all three.

Happy Summer! You’ve earned it!😎 (See you next school year.)

Take Care! 😀


Summer Reading

Post 135

With the change of the month, it seems as if the end of school is within grasping distance. And it is! Schools are starting to wind down and some, depending on where you live, are already on summer vacation. Most students (and teachers) feel “done”. It’s very hard to keep focused in the classroom when summer is peeking in the door.

But some planning is in order. First of all, if you have any concerns or questions about your child’s progress this year, talk to his/her teacher either in an email, note, or phone call. Now is the time to look ahead to figure out how to help make next year an academic and social success. Most K students don’t need academic tutoring but many students fall back at least one reading level over the summer. So it’s a good idea to plan some sort of fun reading/writing activity to help prevent that from happening. I always recommend the free library programs. They’re encouraging and offer incentives for children to keep reading regularly. With the pandemic still going on, many have adapted to remote or at home schedules. And some are running them in the actual library with proper distancing.

Another suggestion is that many districts have online reading programs such as Raz-Kids that students are already signed into and can use over the summer. They are a great way to keep reading skills up.

And, of course, there’s the most important one…reading with a parent or another adult. Just the one on one time makes that one of the most effective reading “tools” there is.

Whatever you decide is best for your son/daughter, be sure to let him/her know how proud you are. This has been a rough year for everyone. And our littlest students have certainly shown their resiliency through it all!

Take Care. 😀


Next Year

Post 134

It was such a glorious weekend here that it’s difficult to get back into the groove today. Schools are so near the finish line that it’s hard for everyone…students, teachers, and parents…to stay focused. But as I wrote about in my last post, keeping to set routines as much as possible helps.

But what about next year? In my district, placement meetings are being scheduled. That’s when teachers and administrators get together to decide which classes students will be in next year. This placement is not done randomly. Teachers make up lists putting students with teachers they feel will work well together. Care is taken to be sure that each child has members (preferably friends) of his/her present class in the new one. Then, at the meeting, children are placed and each potential class is balanced according to boys/girls, academic levels, and behaviors. Districts and schools may be different depending on the number of students, classes, etc. but that’s the way we handle it.

So, as a parent, how much input do you have? My feeling is that if you have a legitimate concern or request, make it in a positive way. For instance, if you know there is a teacher your child would flourish with, then write a letter or email requesting him/her. I would send it to both your child’s teacher and the principal. Some schools allow names, others ask that you write the type of person your child would do well with. My advice would be to never criticize a teacher you would prefer your child not have. And your request should be honest, not based on a popularity rating.

The same goes for asking that your son/daughter be placed or not placed with another student. Make sure any request you make is legitimate. Most schools will try to honor them. But again, it depends on the school and district policy.

I know it can be overwhelming. If you really have no preferences or concerns, then let the school handle next year. As I said, placement is not done randomly. Teachers really know their students, even if school was virtual this year. We get to be with your child for a good part of the day and really care about him/her. And educators want their students to succeed. We call our classes “my kids” for a reason. Because they are. 😀

Take Care.


Spring Fever and Routines

Post 133

It’s May and most students…virtual or in-person…are experiencing Spring Fever. And so are their parents and teachers! It’s been quite an unusual year and we are all looking forward to a break this summer. With vaccinations available for Covid 19, there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel. There is an optimism about school next year that most of us haven’t felt in over 14 months. It’s looking good!

But there is still a month or so (depending what part of the country you are in) of school left. Although the temptation to let it all slide is there, I would suggest just the opposite. We all want our little students to finish strong. In school, I try to keep to established routines and I would suggest you try to do the same with your son/daughter at home. Keep those homework and bedtime habits that you’ve worked so hard to establish in place. The consistency of them will give your child something to hold on to. In the classroom, I keep to the same daily timetable but try to incorporate lessons that are outside and have more movement. (For example, we go on a Five Senses Walk and mark on individual charts on clipboards when we use a sense.) At home, maybe your son/daughter could sit outside while doing his/her homework. But the idea is to continue to do homework, snack, playtime, dinner, bedtime at the already established times and more or less in the established way. Even if he/she seems resistant, it really does help him/her to feel secure. And we are so close to the end, let’s finish this year strong!

As always, please comment with any thoughts or suggestions you have. I really would love to hear them.

Take Care. 😀


Virtual to In-Person School

Post 132

A number of schools have made the push to transition from online learning to in-person school for what is remaining of the school year. The idea is to get students back to “real” school while ironing out any issues that they will be facing next year. (That’s assuming schools open normally in September. 🤞) Parents have been given the option to have their child continue online or in-person.

If you have opted for consistency and are letting your son/daughter finish out the school year virtually, that’s great! Your little one has had an experience that while not what we normally think of as Kindergarten, has been unique and valuable in its own way. There are so many special moments in that first year of school that he/she has been able to share with you that you would otherwise never have had. I truly feel that to get to spend time in a 5 year old’s world is a privilege that most people, other than K teachers, don’t get. And you and your child have experienced them in a way that would never have been possible without this year of homeschooling. For all its ups and downs, it’s very special.

But if you decided to let your student get a taste of what it is like to be in a classroom for a few weeks, that’s awesome, too. Expect your son/daughter to be tired at the end of the day the way he/she would have been in September. Children tend to be “on” in school in a way they don’t have to be at home. And most Kindergarteners try very hard to be good listeners and do what the teacher asks. They hold themselves together and kind of let go when they come home. Seeing other students in class is wonderful but overwhelming, too. There’s a whole different dynamic involved in sitting at a shared table versus seeing classmates on a computer screen. Again, lots of fun but can also be overwhelming. And new students need to get used to walking in the hall, going to special area classrooms, the gym, cafeteria, etc. depending on how their school handles such things pandemically.

So, whichever option you chose for your child to finish out the school year, the main thing is to continue to support him/her. Let your son/daughter know how proud you are of all the work he/she has done and how much he/she has learned this year. Try to keep bedtime and routines at home consistent. This has been a very different year for everyone but you and your child are almost there. Congratulate yourself and him/her!

Take Care. 😀


More Math

Post 131

Last week we talked about some basic Math concepts that can be reinforced when your child is playing at home. There are a few more that are worth mentioning.

Basic 2D and 3D shapes are something Kindergarteners should be able to recognize. These include squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres. They can easily be found around the house. Think cereal boxes, glasses, balls, party hats, etc. Try sending your child on a “shape hunt”. You could give him/her a paper with the different shapes on it to check off as he/she finds them . Or, point to a shape while he/she is eating breakfast and ask your little one its name. (You might slip in the word “vertices” for corners while you are at it.)

Coins are introduced in Kindergarten and what child doesn’t love sorting through the change in your pocket? Your son/daughter should be able to identify pennies and dimes and, possibly, nickels and quarters.

The concept of subtraction as “taking from” can be done using fingers, objects, pennies, candy, cereal, toys, etc. Again, this doesn’t have to be a formal learning time activity. It can be as simple as figuring out how many toys are left to clean up after putting 1 away. 😀 (In Education, that’s called “authentic learning”.)

Ordinal number (1st – 10th) understanding can easily be strengthened by lining up toys (or playmates) and asking who is 1st, 5th, 9th, etc. in line. This can also be done with colored M&M’s or fruit.

Please understand I am not advocating that parents reteach the K Math curriculum! The point is that if your child is having trouble with any of these concepts, there are lots of simple ways to help him/her gain mastery while doing ordinary activities. And as an educator, I have found, that applying concepts to the real world is the way to make them “stick”. 😀

Take Care.


Kindergarten Math

Post 130

Math in Kindergarten has evolved over the last ten years. It used to be enough to be able to sort objects, write numbers, and count to 20 by the end of the year. Those are still included but it’s so much more. Now students are doing basic addition, counting by 5’s and 10’s, and recognizing numbers up to 100. Graphing and concepts such as “in front of” are also part of the curriculum. Children are expected to be able to write most, if not all, of the numbers 1 – 20. Add to that very basic estimation, shapes, and patterning and you have quite a full program.

The good news is that most five and six year olds really enjoy Math. And that’s great! It is the second most important subject taught in Kindergarten . Only Reading is emphasized more.

So, what can you do, at home, to help your little one with Math? Actually, there are a lot of activities that you are probably sharing already that can be tweaked to include concepts being taught in school.

If you and your son/daughter cook, have him/her count out the number of eggs or cups of flour to be put in.As a way to emphasize one to one correspondence, line up 10 vehicles and ask your child how many action figures would be needed if each one was to have a driver. Let him/her put one in front of each car and then touch each one as he/she counts them. Group candies by color, shape, and any other way they can be sorted. Start a pattern with different cereals and ask your chid to continue it. Put 3 stuffed animals in a pile and then put a pile of 2 more next to it. Ask your child how many you have all together so he/she gets practice with adding. Have your child help you make a list of things you need from the grocery store by writing the numbers 1 – 10 in a column for you to fill in later. Play tan “in front of, in back of, next to” game by challenging your child to put dolls in those different positions as you rapidly call them out.

The list goes on and on. The point is that Math concepts can very easily be emphasized when your son/daughter is playing. There is no need to set aside Math time to do it. And actually bringing these concepts into everyday life makes them more authentic for your child. And ultimately isn’t tha the whole point of any education? 😀

Take Care.


Hard to Motivate?

Post 129

Is your child becoming harder to motivate when doing schoolwork? Does he/she resist when told to finish up something you know your little one can easily do? Is everything taking twice as long as it should? Don’t despair! It’s totally normal. Your son/daughter is experiencing what used to be called”Spring Fever”.

Let’s face it, right about now we are all fed up with what we have been doing and are ready for a change. Children are no different. Whether he/she has been in virtual or in-person school, it’s been a long year especially when you add in all the restrictions Covid 19 has brought about.

So, what to do? In school, I always try to include movement in my lessons. Math might involve measurement by combining it with science and making paper ladybug airplanes that fly. We then measure how far they went and estimate how far they will go in the next trial. In Writing, I usually stock the center with new post-it notes, glittery pens, and different markers. During Reading, I let the students pick their own books from an assortment of topics that interest them. We even change seats for new table buddies.

The point is to change things up. Maybe switch where your son/daughter does his/her online learning. Add some new supplies. If you have an outdoor area, let your child do his/her work there instead of inside. And, as always, be sure to let your student know how proud you are when he/she does a good job. You are your child’s main cheerleader and when you are pleased, he/she is too.

Take Care. 😀


New Beginnings

Post 128

Spring is the season of new beginnings and many schools are doing just that. As vaccinations continue, districts are trying to have in person learning for the rest of the year. Children who have been learning remotely all year are being encouraged to return to the classroom. Students have missed a lot of socialization and the thought is that at least they will get a little before the school year ends.

This can put parents in a quandary. While it’s good for their little ones to be in an actual school setting, there can be a regret that their exclusive time together is ending. And there is also uncertainty about how children will acclimate this late in the school year.

As a teacher I look at it a little differently. Some of that September excitement when everything is new and things are just beginning will be in the air. Students whom we have only seen remotely will now be occupying desks in the room. Their personalities will be part of our classroom dynamics in a new way and that’s exciting! I always enjoy the way a new student refreshes classroom dynamics and so, having an influx of children who are new but not really will be fun. And I look forward to actually knowing boys/girls whom I have only been able to interact with on the computer. There are a lot of nuances that don’t translate on a screen. Educators will be able to pick up on these to better help our little ones learn.

In the end, your little one is still yours even if he/she spends six hours in a classroom. Worries are a normal part of parenting. But together, you and your child’s teacher, can make the rest of this school year better than any of us hoped for when it started.

Take Care. 🙂


Reading Growth

Post 127

Last week I wrote about the academic growth that usually appears in students during March. It’s such an exciting time to be a teacher! But during this pandemic time, a lot of parents and caretakers are assuming that role. Even if your child is attending school in person, I’m sure you look for ways to encourage your little one especially with reading. Here are some ideas that you can use at home:

  • Read together. Let your child turn the pages and cuddle close when you read before bedtime,
  • Go through the book prior to reading and discuss what your child thinks will happen,
  • When reading together, you read a page and then encourage your child to read a page,
  • If that’s too much, you read a line and then your child reads a line,
  • When reading a book that is too hard for your son/daughter, let him/her read the high frequency words as you go along,
  • Discuss your child’s favorite part of the book afterwards,
  • Discuss your child’s favorite character afterwards,
  • Discuss your child’s favorite illustration afterwards,
  • Give your child an old newspaper or magazine and let him/her highlight the high frequency words with a special highlighter.

The whole point of all of this is to help your child move along and enjoy reading. Any of the suggestions above should only take a minute or two of your time together. Of course, if he/she sees you reading,especially for pleasure, that’s a great encouragement. Remember, your little one is always watching and idolizing you, even if it doesn’t seem so at times! 🙂 Your example is the biggest motivation your son/daughter has to be a reader. If you enjoy your reading time together, so will your little one. And that’s what it’s all about.

Take Care. 🙂


March Growth

Post 126

March is usually the month that we see a lot of academic growth in Kindergarten. It is the time that all the phonics lessons, all the sight word drill, all the emphasis on sounds that letters make, spaces between words, guided reading lessons, all the Math practices…it suddenly all comes together. It all makes sense and our little students are sailing through lessons and jumping to higher reading groups almost out of the blue. It really is so exciting to see and be a part of. All of their hard work is paying off.

Of course, it happens in different amounts for each child. But the point is, it does happen. And it makes each one so proud. And that spurs him/her on to try harder and keep moving forward…sort of a domino effect.

So, how can you encourage and support your son/daughter at home? Try giving him/her a little more responsibility that uses his/her emerging skills. Let your little one add to a shopping list you are keeping as he/she thinks of things to get from the store. When you are reading together before bed, encourage your child to read a page and then you read a page. Let him/her pick out a birthday card for a friend and sign it him/herself. If he//she is helping you cook, let your son/daughter figure out that if there are 3 teaspoons in a tablespoon and you need 2 tablespoons, then he/she should add 6 teaspoons of something to the bowl and then let him/her do it. Children realize when something is busy work so make it a real task. (It’s called “authentic learning” in educational literature because it is.)

Also definitely keep up the routines you have established. This isn’t the time to change them. Things like doing homework at a specific time ground your child. Just try to put a little more responsibility into them. And enjoy this time of achievement and growth with your little one. He/she has worked hard to get here and so have you! Especially during this pandemic time, we need things to rejoice over. And what is better than celebrating your child’s accomplishments?

Take Care. 🙂


Report Cards

Post 125

Report cards are probably being distributed soon or have been in your child’s school. What does that mean in Kindergarten? The first thing to keep in mind is that Kindergarten is not what you remember. It’s not even what it was ten years ago. It’s more what First and early Second Grades used to be. That means there are definite targets in each subject at different times of the year. Educators need to “test” to see where each student is in relation to those targets.

So, what does “testing” mean in Kindergarten? Probably your son/daughter has mentioned to you that he/she sat either online or in a separate place in the classroom with his/her teacher and did some special work. Usually there is a standard sheet that is used across the grade level to check on students’ progress. It’s always presented in a fun manner and students enjoy the one on one time with their teacher.

So, about where should your child be right now? In Reading, that’s usually at around a B level. That means your child is reading books that have simple sentences that relate to the picture on the page. The sentences are somewhat repetitious but have a change on the last page. Your son/daughter should be able to recognize at least half to three quarters of the sight words. He/she should know all letter sounds and be able to blend them together to try to sound out new words.

In Writing, your child should be able to write simple sentences that relate to a picture drawn in his/her journal. He/she should be using capital letters at the beginning of a sentence and for his/her name. Periods should appear at the end of a sentence. Your child should also be starting to put spaces between words. And letters should mostly be formed correctly. Spelling will not be perfect but your student should be starting to listen for letter sounds he/she knows and writing them in words.

In Math, your son/daughter should be able to recognize and count almost up to 20. He/she should be able to write at least to 10 and be able to start to write some of the teens. He/she should understand counting by fives and tens and be starting to do that with help looking at a chart. He/she should also understand the concept of addition and be able to “+1”. Concepts such as before, after, next to, in front of should also be understood.

These are the three main academic areas. Subjects such as Science and Social Studies depend on a particular district’s curriculum. Keep in mind that although some form of testing may be going on, your child’s teacher knows where he/she is at, especially in reading. Report cards need some documentation to support grades given but daily reading groups and classwork count heavily.

After all that, remember that students progress at different rates at different times of the year. The best way to view your son’s/daughter’s report card is to look at the progress made from the last one. Keep in mind that more is expected now than in November. So an “on grade level” is just that. Your little student is right where he/she should be at this time. He/she has been learning at just the right rate. If he/she is “above grade level” then he/she is surging ahead and you should be proud. If he/she is “below grade level”, contact his/her teacher about ways to help boost your little one’s skills. But the most important thing is to compare your child to him/herself. Don’t fall into the trap of comparing him/her to other students in the class. All children learn to walk and talk at different rates. The same is true for reading, writing and math skills.

Take Care. 🙂



Post 124

Is your Kindergartener complaining about not liking school, not wanting to sit through lessons, not wanting to write in a journal because it takes sooooo long? Has your normally cooperative student recently gotten fidgety and a bit obstinate? Relax…it’s perfectly normal. Your child, and the rest of the class, has hit the midwinter doldrums. It’s not serious and won’t last.

In the fall, everything about school was new and exciting, even if it was a bit intimidating. Now routines have been set and even though there is comfort in familiarity, school and homework can seem boring. In class, educators change themes. We switch children’s seats. We introduce new activity centers. We put out new books. We decorate the classroom for Spring. In other words, we change things up to spark that feeling of newness that students had in September. And you can easily do the same thing at home.

Think about changing where your son/daughter does his/her homework or online school. Simple things like a new mat under the computer, new trays to organize crayons, a different light, or even moving his/her seat to another part of the room are all small changes that can spice things up. If your child is tired of writing, try new writing tools. How about cool pencils, ones that have fun toppers, different colors, or how about writing with pens or markers if that’s allowed? Frequently something silly like wearing a reading crown or a writing cape is all a five year old needs to make an assignment fun. (This is the time to recycle any scarves, hair accessories, beach hats, party favors, etc. that you have lying around. 🙂 ) Old jewelry is good, too. I have a number of those beaded necklaces that you get at a party store in my classroom. The boys/girls wear them when they are reading together. They also wear them when they give a particularly good answer. We call them “smart necklaces” and they are so proud to show them off. You might try something like that. The whole point is to change things up a bit.

As I have often mentioned, March is the month that we see great growth in school so this phase won’t last. Students usually jump ahead in reading and writing as everything they have been learning all year suddenly comes together. That’s all very exciting and I think you will find your little one’s attitude will lighten up as Spring approaches. And if you come up with any other solutions that help your child over this in between period, please share them in the comments. We could all use some good ideas right now. 🙂

Take Care. 🙂
