
Spirit Days

Post 196

It’s June and schools are trying very hard to keep students interested and involved. And believe me, it is hard! After Memorial Day, summer vacation is so close that classes feel as if they have one foot out the door. Everyone is ready for a break.😀 But there are still a few weeks of school left (especially if you live in the northeast US), hence Spirit Days.

My district sponsors things such as Crazy Hair Day, a bike rodeo and an ice cream social day, along with field days and end of the year celebrations. Add to that, classes and learning still going on and it’s a lot!

As a parent, you are probably in the same boat. You are ready for the school year to end and the “lazy, crazy days of summer” to begin. All of these special days can seem to be too much to have to deal with right now. Try to remember that the children really look forward to them. This is when friendships really solidify…when things ease up and the kids have time to enjoy the fun things at school. Think back to your school memories. Chances are, these are the days you remember that made school fun.

So, try to roll with it. If your little one doesn’t have the perfect hat to wear or exactly the right color outfit, that’s ok. No one is going to judge you. The idea is to inject some lighthearted fun into the school curriculum and to give students a break on days they would rather be outside playing. They have worked hard all year. So have you supporting them. It really is time to lighten things up!

Take Care. 🙂


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