
Here We Go!

Post 169

You’ve got your little one’s backpack, new clothes, and supplies all set. They’ve gotten a haircut and are excited to ride the school bus. So, what do you do now? RELAX!!

Kindergarten is a wonderful time. Your child will learn and grow in ways you can’t imagine. It’s a magical time. And they will love it, even if they seem hesitant right now.

You, on the other hand, probably have a jumble of feelings going on inside right now. You are happy your little student is on track for their next life stage, happy to have a little free time, happy to see your child have a new adventure, but scared that they will be lost, upset, and that you are losing your “baby”. If it helps at all, that’s totally normal. We all feel that way when they go off to school. (I’d like to tell you it gets better as your child gets older. It does, in the sense that it’s more normal, but you never really get over that feeling.)

All I can tell you is put a smile on your face and PUT YOUR CHILD ON THE BUS that first day. Let them go off seeing you confident. Our children reflect what they see in us so project that positivity even if you are crumbling inside. Follow the bus discreetly if it helps (I did that 4 times…4 kids) but don’t let them see you. And I promise you, no child ever cries for more than two minutes once in school. (And, if they did, believe me, the school would call you.)

So, enjoy this new stage with your little one. Have faith in them and yourself. And, remember, they DO cone back home to you at the end of the day! 😀

Take Care. 🙂


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