
Spring Sports

Post 192

Spring is finally here bringing with it warmer weather and that harbinger of the new season…Spring sports! There are so many to choose from. Your child wants to be in all of them (or none of them). How do you choose?!

First of all, take a breath. As my mom used to say, there are only so many hours in a day. Whatever sport your child starts, it still needs to fit around school and any other activity they are already involved in. What are they interested in? What sports are their friends interested in? To my mind, one of the best aspects of sports is that they teach a child what it means to be part of a team. And if a friend or sibling is on a team with them, it makes it a whole lot easier to work together. πŸ˜€ Also, if your child is the least bit hesitant about walking out on a field, having someone with them that they know can really help.

But maybe your little one is the type who loves to get out there and wants to sign up for everything. That’s great! You want them to have fun, right? Just be careful of over scheduling. You know how you get when there is too much going on. Your five (six) year old is the same. They need downtime to regroup, too. Remember, they can try something this year and switch if they don’t like it next year. There is time.

Finally, as usual, you know your child best. If they decide to go for a Spring sport, support them and enjoy this special time. Your little one’s world is expanding but they need your support to keep it stable. So, get out there on the sidelines when you can and cheer for your small athlete. (Just remember to wear sunscreen! Lol.)

Take Care. πŸ™‚


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