children, education, First Grade, Kindergarten, parent teacher conferences, parenting, parents, preschool, Progress Reports, report cards, school, teachers, young students


Post 204

Conferences ( meetings with your child’s teacher to discuss them) should be coming up this month unless they have already occurred. These are different from report cards. While academics are discussed usually at this first one the emphasis is on your child’s adjustment to Kindergarten. It gives both teachers and parents (caretakers) a chance to compare notes.

You will probably have a definite time for your conference. Try to be there a few minutes early if you can. Most conferences have a set amount of minutes and start right when they are scheduled. It’s crucial to keep to that schedule when trying to meet with 20 – 25 student families.

If at all possible, please don’t bring your little one. If you must bring them, have something to keep them occupied while you speak to their teacher. Five year olds take in everything that is said even if they don’t appear to be paying much attention. And it’s harder for the teacher (and you) to be candid when little ears are listening!

There is usually a format your child’s teacher will follow that will give you both a chance to talk. If you have a concern about your child’s behavior or academics or social adjustment this is the time to bring it up. If there isn’t enough time to go as deeply as you’d like, set up a phone call or another meeting time. No teacher ever minds talking with a concerned parent about their child.

A good idea is to write down any questions you may have beforehand so you don’t forget them. Be open to the teacher’s suggestions and really listen to them. And remember to relax. This is the person your little one spends most of their day with and it’s a great way to get to know them. Teachers feel the same way about meeting parents. It’s a perfect way to understand where each child is coming from and gives us new insights into how to better educate your child. Remember…you are both there for the same reason…to help your child have the best school experience possible. It really is a partnership!

Take Care. 😀
