children, children's feelings, children's moods, Christmas, Christmas presents, education, empathetic children, First Grade, giving, grumpy children, Hanukkah, holidays, homeschooling, Kindergarten, Kindergarten activities, Kindergarten extracurricular activities, Kwanzaa, parenting, parents, school, SEL, social emotional learning, teachers, young students

Grumpy…During the Holidays?

Post 207

The holiday season is upon us. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa or something else, it’s here! And there are so many fun things to do, how can your five (four, six) year old be grumpy and out of sorts? Actually, it makes sense. This time of year, happy as it is, can be overwhelming to a young child. (to adults too, right?) So it’s not that unusual that your little student may be out of sorts. As grownups, we hide our feelings but with children what you see is what you get!

The biggest thing I would suggest is to not try to do everything that comes along. There are so many concerts, tree lightings, parades, visits with Santa, shopping, wrapping, baking, etc. that you can’t possibly do it all. And why would you? Try to choose a few things that are most important (an older sibling’s concert, for example) and most fun for your child and let the rest go. If you have time, you can add something else in and there’s always next year. 😀

I try to do the same in the classroom and I am guessing your little one’s teacher is the same. There are so many worthwhile theme lessons that I have to take a step back and realize that we can’t do them all. There’s no point in rushing my class through one project just so we can get to the next one. I try to emphasize giving to our loved ones and bring that into everything we do. To me, that’s the most important message of the season…thinking of others. And isn’t that the whole point of the holidays?

So, relish this joyous time with your little one. And try to do it at a pace you can all enjoy.

Take Care and Happy Holidays! 🙂
