children, First Grade, Kindergarten, parent teacher conferences, parenting, parents, preschool, report cards, school, teachers

Parent Teacher Conferences

Post 75

Parent Teacher Conferences should be coming up soon. This is the time you get to sit one on one with your child’s teacher and talk about how he/she has adjusted to Kindergarten. In First Grade, it’s more academic. You will hear if your child is where he/she should be in reading, math, and other subjects. But, whatever the grade, your son’s/daughter’s social adjustment will also be discussed.

There are a couple of things to remember, whatever your child’s grade. First of all, don’t be afraid to ask questions! Listen to what your student’s teacher says first and then ask any questions you have on your mind. No teacher is ever put off by inquiries about academic or social behavior. That’s what we are there for….your child.  🙂 I would suggest writing down any concerns beforehand so you don’t forget to bring something up.

I would also suggest writing down notes during the meeting. These could just be jotted quickly on a post-it or small piece of paper you bring with you. You will be getting a lot of information in a short amount of time. It’s a way to keep it all straight.

Time…please realize that teachers are trying to talk with a large number of families in a short amount of time. Meetings are usually scheduled pretty close together with no room in between. So, please be on time, even a little early. Also, if there is a need for further discussion, please set up a time then to meet later in the week. Or schedule a phone call with your child’s teacher. Conferences are meant to be an overview of each student’s performance. Any in depth talks need to be done when there is time to really concentrate on one child, not when there is a line of people waiting at the door.  🙂

Above all, relax. Realize that this is a conference about someone you and your son’s/daughter’s teacher care a lot about – your child. It’s meant to be a pleasant experience on both sides, hopefully celebrating his/her adjustment to school.

Take Care.  🙂

For more in depth thoughts on Kindergarten conferences, please refer to previous posts #13, #41, and #42.



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