children, education, ELA, First Grade, homeschooling, homework, Kindergarten, Literacy, Math, mathematics, parenting, parents, preschool, school, Spring Fever, young students


Post 221

We are nearing the end of the school year and students (and teachers) are feeling a bit of Spring Fever. It’s so tempting to throw routines out the window. I’m sure you feel that way at home, too.

I would suggest we all hang in there for a little bit longer. Our goal (families and educators) is for our children to finish strong. And a surprising amount of learning and growth goes on these last few months (or month, depending on which part of the country you live in). It would be a shame to lose that.

In school, I try to keep to our established time schedule. We still have our regular reading groups, Math lessons, Circle Time. etc. I would encourage you to do the same at home. Keep up those homework and bedtime habits you’ve worked so hard to establish. Some days, I know that will be impossible, just do your best. Maybe change it up a bit to help prevent boredom. For example, let your little one do their homework outside if they always sit at the kitchen table to do it. I do the same thing in the classroom. For instance, one of our Math/Science/Art lessons involves making ladybugs folded like paper airplanes. We estimate how far each one will fly, measure the distance and then make adjustments to get a longer flight. And most of that can be done outside on the playground on a nice day. πŸ˜€

Your child may be resisitant to keeping to their regular schedule but it really does help them feel secure. If you remember back to the beginning of this year, that was one of the main goals. When children are comfortable, they will learn. And, again, isn’t that what school is all about?

Take Care. πŸ™‚


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