children, children's feelings, extracurricular activities, Kindergarten, Kindergarten activities, Kindergarten extracurricular activities, parents, school, Spring Fever, Spring sports in Kindergarten

Baseball? Soccer? Dance?…

Post 58

We’re getting into the season of Spring sports and all that entails. Fun but also a commitment….on your child’s part and on yours. So how do you know when and if your child is ready to be signed up for an “extracurricular activity”? And what do you sign him/her up for? There are a lot of choices. Which one is best for your particular child?

First of all, in my opinion, don’t overdo it. It’s very tempting to put your son/daughter in three or four different activities especially if his/her friends are involved. You don’t want your kid to miss out, right? And colleges start sending scouts younger and younger these days so it’s good to start ’em early, right???

Yes and no. Remember, your Kindergartener is still only 5 or 6 and only has so much stamina. (Although I know his/her energy seems boundless at bedtime! LOL) Children also can get burned out if they are run from one activity to another too much. Think about yourself. You can only do so much in a day and get worn down when too much is piled on. Your child is the same. He/she can only handle so much. And, of course, he/she still has school and all that entails.

So, as usual, use common sense. You know your child better than anyone. What are his/her likes and dislikes? Does he/she make friends easily or have trouble adapting to new situations? My guess is that your son/daughter has grown up a lot this year and may surprise you by walking out onto the baseball field with hardly a backward glance. Maybe there is an older sibling who is involved in something that your Kindergartener can’t wait to get into. That’s a good start. Or maybe it would be better for him/her to have his/her own thing. Just realize there is a time commitment, usually during the week and on weekends. Maybe there is a carpool you can be part of that will help with that. This whole thing is supposed to fun, right?

The other thing to consider is how much your child has grown emotionally this year. Does he/she need to learn how to be part of a team and not be too dominant or too reticent? I really think that’s the value of team sports. Everyone has to learn to work together to win. And, let’s face it, very few children make it to scholarships or the pros.(Although it can happen, especial with Title Nine. But that’s really far down the road.) Right now, think about:

a) What your child would like to do,

b) What your child needs to do to help him/her socially,

c) What would be fun to do,

d) What you, as a family, have time to do.

Using your own good judgment, I think you will find this to be a fun and rewarding season with your child.   🙂

Take Care.  🙂

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