
Happy Summer!

Post 227

School is ending here in a few weeks. To the students (and teachers) summer stretches out like a long golden road ahead of them. Everybody needs this time to rest and refuel for the next school year.

Don’t be surprised if there are a few tears on your little student’s last day in the classroom. They have grown attached to their teacher and are comfortable with the routines. It’s hard to say goodbye to something that has filled their days for so long. When you think about it, it makes sense. This is probably only their second school experience (first if they didn’t go to preschool). So, even though you know they’ll be okay, next year can seem a bit overwhelming. And if they will miss their teacher, that’s actually a good thing. It shows they were placed where they should have been and were comfortable with that placement.

So, summer is here with all the freedom that entails. And that’s a good thing. We have all been so scheduled during the school year that downtime is a welcome relief. I honestly believe that children need to get a bit bored by the end of vacation to appreciate a new school year. Camps, trips, vacations and all the summer fun add up to new experiences and memories. If your child is “just hanging out”, that, too, is a change of pace. All of this helps children to be ready when the new school year arrives.

There are two things I would strongly encourage. The first I’ve mentioned before. Please keep your little one reading in some way so they don’t drop back a level by the time school starts again. And the second…enjoy this time with your child. Together time is so important. Memories are made. And what the say is true, it goes very fast. Relish it! šŸ˜€

Take Care and Happy Summer! šŸ™‚


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