
Technology in Kindergarten

Post 226

There has been so much ranting online about the dangers of technology and its effect on children that I thought I ought to address it here. Technology in the Kindergarten classroom can pretty much mean the use of reading/math programs on tablets or computers, smart boards for teaching and computers used for recording/sending out correspondence, reports and report cards.

Any of the programs that Kindergarten students have access to are generally for reinforcement of concepts that have already been taught. They are great for strengthening reading and math skills. They give little ones another way to practice those skills and they can be a lot of fun which is never a bad thing. Lol.

And the smart board has allowed educators to bring current and inspiring information into the classroom. Again, it is another way to help students enjoy learning. Think of both of them as tools to enhance lessons. They do not take the place of good teaching, rather they add to it.

The same can be said of the technology your child uses at home. Whether it is your phone, tablet or computer, a lot of reinforcement of basic skills can happen. (Just think of all those online games that involve reading.πŸ˜€) And let’s not forget creativity. Many children branch out into the Arts and/or computer programming after being exposed to them online. And that’s just two areas, obviously there are many more. ( As a side note, I have a friend who once commented that he’d rather have a doctor in the future who uses a computer for surgery that was brought up with one than a doctor who had just learned that technology in medical school. Something to think about.)

I am not minimizing the dangers of phones and social media on our children. But if your little one learns to respect technology now and has limits placed by you on it, I think it can be a really good thing in their lives. Again, it is a tool, not the end game in itself. Like anything else, your child needs to learn when and how to use it. By guiding them now, I think you (and they) will have an easier time using technology appropriately in the future.

Take Care. πŸ™‚


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